Chapter 15: An Angel's Bloodlust

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-Lucy P.O.V-
I lowered myself to the ground softly, and grew my wings behind me. With one flap, I blew away all the smoke, giving me a view of everyone.
"Lucy?" Natsu muttered. I turned my head quickly, my hair flowing by my side. He then turned his gaze to Sykes, who was bleeding dark purple blood. A spirit? I thought.
"You...killed him?" I heard Wendy say behind me. I turned to face her, and I noticed tears in the corner of her small, brown eyes. I opened my mouth to speak, but closed it shortly after, realising that I had nothing to say. I sighed, and walked over to Sykes' body. I leaned down, and turned his body over, so the hilt of the sword was facing up. Then I stood back up, and forcefully pulled it out. Holding the sword with one hand, I slashed it down with incredible speed, so that the blood that was stained on it leaked off, and splattered the marble. I looked back at Natsu, who was frozen in place.
"Don't be afraid to kill," I said. "It only slows you down."

-Natsu P.O.V-
I stared into Lucy eyes.
He's got in your head, Lucy.
"Lucy, you don't need to protect everyone!" I said loudly. "We protect each other. You know that, don't you you?"
Lucy's eyes widened, but then she shook her head.
"It's ok," she said quietly. "I don't need saving."
Before I could reply, she disappeared.
"W-Where did she go?" Wendy asked, looking around. I turned to see everyone else, clueless to what was happening.
I heard someone cry out in pain. I spun on my heel, to see the boy I had been fighting earlier collapse. His blood, too, began to soak the floor.
I didn't even know his name.
Then came the second cry. The short man in black that Gray had been fighting joined his comrade on the ground. Then finally, as I had unfortunately expected, the girl that Biska and Alzack had been fighting fell. Their dark blood soaked the floor beneath us, as Lucy appeared again, in the exact same place as before. But this time, her face was stained with blood. Her golden eyes were dark, and sharp.
"I'm done holding back anymore," she muttered. "The evil will perish. And the light will shine." She held her sword up, then dug it deep into the marble, piercing the stone. "Pawns. Pawns in his stupid game," I heard her whisper to herself. This was when I noticed that Lucifer had vanished. Lucy, somehow knowing this, walked back towards the door we had came through.
"Come on," she said, signalling us to leave. "There's nothing for us here."

-Lucy P.O.V-
We all walked back the way we came in silence.
I'd killed four people.
Yet I feel nothing.
I turned round and faced everyone. "Guys," I said quietly. "I'm sending you home. I stay here a little bit."
Happy went to fly over to me, but was stopped by Natsu.
" careful," Natsu said to me. I nodded, then opened my gate for them to pass through. They all made it back home safely, which left me alone with my tears.

-Natsu P.O.V-
We had all appeared in the fairy tail guild hall, thanks to Lucy. But the awkward silence wasn't fading.
"D-Does anyone know...what just happened?" Gray said.
"Lucy disappeared...then they all fell..." Wendy muttered.
"It's not her fault," I said, making it clear. "Don't go blaming her and calling her a murderer. She did nothing wrong."
Erza began to argue.
"Natsu, she killed four people-"
"What do you expect?!" I shouted back. "She gave her life to me...and twice now she's had to save her own! Having friends...that can't blame her for taking things too far."
I could see everyone around me taking in what I had said.
"I visited her apartment last night. And she was terrified." I began. "She told me Lucifer said she have to save the world. How would you react if you discovered that the world was on your shoulders?"
"I...I can't even imagine..." Carla whispered.
"She'll pull through," Erza said. "...right?"
"Yeah," I replied, my smile covering my fear.

-Lucy P.O.V-
I sat down alone. The ground of the celestial world was smooth. I liked it. I stared blankly at the sky, my mind completely confused.
"Lucy?" I heard. I looked to where the voice had came from, to see Aquarius.
"Hi..." I said quietly.
"T-There's blood on your face..." Aquarius muttered.
"What's with the shy attitude? It's not like you," I replied, laughing over my sobs.
"Y-Yeah, I know. It's just...Loke told me something stupid, and I believed it for a second..." She said, laughing slightly with me. Of course... I thought, suddenly remembering. My spirits...must think I'm dead. I mean, that was the last time I spoke with Loke...
"He wasn't lying," I said, hesitating a little.
"Are you telling me you died?!" She said, trying to hide her panic.
"Aquarius, I'm fine," I said, smiling at her. "I...survived."
"You dumbass..." She whispered, under her breath.
"Natsu was dying," I said. "I'm...sorry."
"You should be," she replied, scowling at me. Then she turned her head the other way.
"I...was worried." She muttered. I leaned forward, to see small tears falling from her cheeks.
"Aquarius?..." I said, in a half whisper.
"D-Don't look at me," she said coldly. I smiled behind her back, and continued to look up at the sky.
"Aquarius...I killed people..." I muttered. I heard her gasp, which made it even harder to keep the tears in. "What's wrong with me?" I sobbed.
I covered my eyes with my hands, but quickly removed them after I felt arms wrap around me. I looked up, to see Aquarius smiling at me.
"You were always such a stupid girl," she said. "You would summon me in the fish bowl, thinking it was funny, when you just looked like a selfish kid wanting attention."
I listened carefully, still smiling, my eyes closed.
"But just before I would go back to the celestial world, you would make me want to stay. Whether it was something you said, or just that small face you made, I would feel something that made me want to stay with you. And, it really pissed me off," I laughed, cuddling myself up in her embrace.
"Lucy, you are strong." Aquarius' tone was serious.
"I know how hard this is. And this journey will only get harder. But you need to build up the strength to get through it."
I nodded slowly.
"You need to be tough; but you can't be cruel. Show mercy; but make sure your enemy deserves it. It's all about finding the balance. I don't want to walk this path...but unfortunately, you have to use that strength you have inside you. The strength that should never have to be used."
"" I whispered.
"Your mom was a great person. But...she lacked the courage. It wasn't a bad thing, she just...wasn't the right person. This Lucifer...he has far more connections than we know. This will eventually involve the strongest wizards in the world."
Aquarius held my chin, and turned my head, so I was facing her directly.
"'re ever in danger...please...don't hesitate to come here."
I stared at her, my eyes wide.
"Even though your mother died of an illness...I feel like we could of helped more..."
I put my hand in Aquarius's and held it tight.
"We'll get through this," I said, a smile on my face. Tears fell from my cheeks, but I didn't stop smiling.
"They're just water..." I muttered. "Just water..."
Suddenly, Aquarius grabbed me, and pulled me close to her.
"Don't die," she said. "Don't."
I laughed slightly. Her embrace made me relaxed, the warmth of Aquarius' arms comforting me.
"Sure thing," I replied.

-Natsu P.O.V-
"I'm going outside," I said, standing up from the table.
"I'll come," Happy added, flying over.
"Happy, sorry but, is it ok if I go alone?" I asked, feeling bad.
"Y-Yeah..." Happy muttered, sitting back down. I watched as Gray walked over to Happy and began to make him laugh.
I mouthed the word 'thanks' and he nodded back in return. Then, I turned, and left through the large double doors of fairy tail.

The streets were dull. It was dark by now, so the roads were empty. Light rain trickled from the sky, wetting my pink hair. I walked over to a bench, and took a seat. I stared at the river in the middle of the two streets, wondering what lies in the future. I heard a small sound, and I turned my head. I saw what I was hoping, but not expecting. Lucy appeared a few inches above the ground, then landed lightly on her feet. She brushed herself down, then looked up at me. Her eyes widened, and a smile grew on her face. Then, she suddenly dashed towards me.
"Natsu!" She cried. She landed in my arms, knocking me onto the floor. And, as she lay on top me, she leaned in and kissed me softly. I closed and eyes, and stroked her golden hair.
It's funny- I don't hesitate at all.
"I'm sorry," she muttered, letting go of my lips. I held her by the waist, smiling up at her.
"What are you apologising for? You've done all the work so far," I replied, laughing.
"Natsu..." She whispered. I looked at her worriedly, shocked at the sudden serious tone.
" help me through this?" She asked, the fear reflecting in her eyes. I shook my head at her, and smiled.
"Lucy..." I said. "I'll be here with you until the world ends."
Sorry if this was a bit short...if you want chapters longer than this please tell me, but they will take longer to publish...I'm just trying to find a balance between chapter length and how long it takes to update. I don't want to let any of you guys down (^_^;)
But still, long or not, I hoped you liked it.
As always, thank you so much for reading, and see you in the next chapter! Xxx

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