Chapter 2: Take My Hand Natsu...

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-Natsu P.O.V-
I hurried into the guild with Lucy.
"Master! There's something wrong with Lucy!" I shouted, running past everyone's confused face and to his office. Before I reached the door master came out.
"What is it, Natsu?" He said, concerned.
"It's Lucy," I repeated. I turned around slightly to show him Lucy lying on my back.
"Take her to the infirmary," Master said immediately. I nodded but before I was able to go to the infirmary, Gray and Erza appeared and Erza was eating strawberry cheesecake. She saw Lucy and nearly spit out her mouthful.
"What happened?" Erza asked, however I hurried to the infirmary, ignoring her
"I tell you after," I shouted to her while leaving.

I laid Lucy down on the bed. Her skin was glowing slightly and she looked like she was in a lot of pain. I stared at her with worry and guilt.
"Luce..." I muttered. Then she slowly started to wake up. I leaned in. "Lucy! Are you ok?" I said quickly. Lucy held her head.
"Yeah...I'm just a bit tired," she replied quietly. I watched with confusion as Lucy's skin returned to normal. I decided not to tell her about it, because it would only worry her.
"Just try and get some sleep," I said, smiling. "I'll tell everyone you're ok." I put my thumb up.
"Aye sir!" Happy shouted, flying out. I shortly after followed.

-Lucy P.O.V-
I'm not in pain, but I feel...strange. Like something's not right. What did that spirit do to me?

-Erza P.O.V-
I ate my cake angrily. Who hurt Lucy?! I thought. Then Natsu came out of the infirmary with Happy. I stood up immediately.
"How is she?!" I said quickly.
"She's fine. Just tired," Natsu said. I sighed with relief, but was still angry.
"Who hurt her?" I said, looking at him dead serious.
"There's this spirit that's come from the celestial world by himself." Natsu told me. I nodded and walked past him. I headed to the infirmary, but relaxed when I saw Lucy sleeping peacefully. I smiled, then left again.

-Gray P.O.V-
I walked over to Natsu.
"So, Lucy's ok then?" I asked him.
"Well, she said she was..." Natsu muttered. "But she looked like she was in loads of pain when she got hit," Natsu trailed off into his thoughts, then sweat dropped. "Lucy's so confusing."
Gray also sweat dropped.
"Maybe if you'd protected her more she wouldn't of got hit," Gray said under his breath.
"What was that..." Natsu said, shoving his fist in front of him. "You were too scared to come!"
"I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW YOU WERE GOING!" Gray yelled. They both stood there together growling.
"Guys please, I'm fine." They both turned their heads to the side in unison to see Lucy smiling with her head to the side, and her hands in front of her.
"Lucy?" They both said. She waved her hand in the air.
"I feel fine, really." She giggled. Happy flew over, a suspicious look on his face.
"I don't trust her," he said sarcastically. "I think we should lock her up." Lucy laughed, and ran over to them.
"I guess his attack didn't work, whatever it was. Although I have to admit something doesn't feel right..."
"Ah well, it's good to have you back Lucy," Natsu said cheerfully, wrapping his arm around her neck.
"I was only gone...for like five minutes..." Lucy moaned, barely able to breath. I walked over to her.
"Man, you got us worried," I said, smiling. Lucy smiled back, and got out a key.
"Open! Gate of the maiden! Virgo!" Virgo appeared, smiling.
"Have you found the criminal, princess? Or is it punishment time?" Lucy sweat dropped. Natsu stepped in.
"We found him, but he disappeared when I attacked," Natsu said. I faced Virgo.
"So, does anyone in the celestial world know what this guy can do?" I asked her curiously.
"Not really..." Virgo replied. "But I hear some people call him the key master."
"Key master? But, that would only mean that he owns celestial keys, right?" Lucy broke in. "That's impossible! A spirit can't own keys-" Then, Lucy suddenly froze. Her eyes grew wide, and she fell to her knees.
"Lucy!" Erza cried, stepping to her side.

-Lucy P.O.V-
What is this? I thought. There was a sharp pressure on me, like I was being stepped on by giant feet. It was so much that I stumbled down. Erza hurried next to me, asking what's wrong. I could only shake my head in response. Then my skin started to glow slightly. "N-now what?!" I shouted out.
I looked up to see Natsu staring at me.
"Lucy...your skin was doing that earlier," he muttered.
"It was?!" I said worriedly. I raised my hand in front of me. It glowed brighter and brighter until it started to fade away. "W-what?!" I cried. I watched in fear as Natsu frantically ran towards me. This was the spirit. This was his attack. I thought. I reached into my pocket and grabbed the silver key that was given to me. I reached out to Natsu, the key in my grasp. He grabbed my hand as if to pull me away from the glow, but it was no use. I was disappearing. "Nats-" my body was gone. It was dark and cold, as I felt myself travel to somewhere else. Somewhere far.

-Natsu P.O.V-
Lucy's hand disappeared out of mine. I froze in horror.
"LUCY!" I screamed out in frustration. Happy stared in shock.
"No!" I shouted back. "She's not dead! SHE'S NOT!" Erza looked down at floor.
"She just...disappeared...." She muttered. I glared at Erza.
"We'll find her!" I said furiously. "LUCY'S NOT DEAD!" Everyone in the guild was just staring in pure horror and sadness. I grabbed a table and threw it across the room with anger.
"She's not gone! Stop acting like she's dead!"
"Natsu..." Happy muttered. "Please..." I shouted out angrily. She's...not gone... I thought. She can't just...die...I felt a sudden pain in my back. I turned round to see Gray's fist.
"Just...stop it..." He muttered. I could see that he was gritting his teeth. "Can't you see...everyone's upset?..." I stared down, and fell to my knees.
"No..." I whispered. I looked at my hands to see that they were still clenched into fists. I opened them slowly, and a gold and silver key dropped out of my palm and onto the floor. Then I realised that she'd given it to me, so I could finish the job. Even at the time of...death...she still cared for her spirits and her friends. I closed my eyes as tears streamed down my cheeks.
"Lucy...why..." I sobbed.

-Lucy P.O.V-
It was still dark. I looked around in fear.
"Natsu? Gray? Anyone?" I called out. There was no answer. Then, there was a light above me. I looked up and as my eyes adjusted, I could see that it was a chandelier. It lighted the surroundings and I realised I was in a small empty room, with a door at one of the walls. Just as I spotted it, it clicked open. As expected, the spirit walked out.
"What did you do to me?!" I shouted at him. He had an evilish grin and reached into his pocket. When he pulled it out again, he was holding a key. A celestial key.
"H-how?" I said, stumbling backwards in shock.
"Let's just make things easier for everyone. I'm not a spirit," he replied.
"B-but your key...and the king-"
"The king was weak. I recently heard about the celestial world, and since I had nothing else to do, I decided to pay a visit."
" can't just-"
"Be quiet." His voice was firm and demanding. My mouth closed, as if I had no choice. It felt like I had to obey him.
"The first thing I had to 'change' was the time difference. Otherwise, that sure would confuse things." C-change?! I thought.
"Then I made myself a key, before the other spirits realised I was an intruder. I made a copy for the real world, but it's a fake. Doesn't do a thing," he said proudly. "Now, let's talk about this key." He threw the celestial key into the air and caught it again. Then he threw it over to me. I caught it carefully and examined it. It was a beautiful, rose gold key.
"Rose gold?" I asked him.
"It's special. It's yours." I froze. I slowly looked back down at the key and the symbol at the end. I hadn't even noticed it! I though in shock. There, printed on the key perfectly, was a pink, fairy tail mark. Just like mine. I threw the key forward in horror and backed away.
"Now go and join your spirit friends," he said, laughing. He picked up the key.
"Forced gate closure." He pulled the key down the middle.
"Gate...closure?..." I whispered, before I faded away.

Before I knew what hit me, I was in the middle of a world I recognised immediately. I looked over my shoulder to see Loke chatting to a girl who was half human and half fish. He turned his head and stared at me.
"Lucy?" He said, confused. "What are you doing in the celestial realm?"
Yay first proper chapter done...I hope you liked it!

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