Chapter 25: A Wedding For An Angel

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Lucy and Natsu's Wedding Day.
-Lucy P.O.V-
Spetto helped me slip on my dress. It was the traditional white, and extremely long.
"You look so beautiful, dear!" Spetto cried, clapping her hands.
"Thanks, Spetto," I replied, admiring the dress in the mirror. "Do you think he'll like it?"
"He'll love it," said another maid, as she walked inside. Spetto jumped up onto a stool, and placed a tiara on my head, which was attached to a long veil.
"Are you ready? All your make up is done...and I think their ready for you," said the maid who had just entered. I inhaled deeply, then nodded.
"I'm ready," I replied, smiling.

They led me through the various hallways of the mansion. Me and Natsu had decided to get married in the gardens of the mansion, as he'd asked to propose on the balcony that overlooked them. The maid had led me to a back door on the bottom floor, where Nashi was waiting with another maid. Her small curls had been brushed back back neatly, and a small tiara had been placed on top. She had also been given a tutu-like bridesmaid dress.
Erza would of been a good bridesmaid. I thought to myself.
Nashi smiled at me cheerfully. "Mommy!" She cried.
"Shh," I replied, laughing. "Daddy will hear."
"Oh..." She muttered quietly, her smile fading. I laughed again, at her cute, innocent face.
Only a year and a half left of that face. I thought.
"I'm only joking, baby. Be as loud as you want."
Nashi looked up at me, confused, but then giggled at me. "Now I have an important job for you," I said, leaning down. "Can you throw these on the floor for me?" I gave her a small, decorated basket that had white petals inside.
"But you said...I can't throw on floor..." She said back.
"It's a special occasion," I said, grinning cheekily.
She hesitated, but then smiled up at me.
"Let's go, mommy," she said happily. I nodded back, as I faced forward.

The doors opened, and my eyes saw the set up for the first time. Everything was white as snow, the chairs, the altar...
And Natsu stood at the end, in a white suit (which was quite handsome, if I do say so myself). His eyes widened as he saw me, and the guests stood up. Most of them were staff, and there was the occasional old friend. But the part that saddened me the most was that there were roughly fifty people, and none of them had a fairy tail mark.
But there could've of been...I thought.
The music began to play, and I gestured to Nashi to begin walking forward. She threw the petals delicately, despite the reckless age she was. It was almost as if she didn't want to hurt the carpet that had been laid out in front of us. The guests smiled as I passed them, and I gave them a smile in return. We then reached the altar, and Nashi walked aside, like she had been told. Even then, I could see her throwing petals in the corner of my eye, despite the fact that she wasn't even moving.
I smiled happily at Nastu, and faced forward. The vicar cleared his throat, then began to read.
"Natsu, repeat after me. I, Natsu Dragoneel."
"I, Natsu Dragoneel..."
"Take Lucy Heartfilia."
"Take Lucy Heartfilia..."
"To have and to hold."
"To have and to hold..."
"From this day forward."
"From this day forward..."
"For better, for worse, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish."
"For better, for worse, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish..."
"Till death do us part."
"Till death..." Natsu looked over at me, and grinned. "Do us part."
"Now Lucy, repeat after me."
"Till death do us part."
"Till death do us part." I repeated. I turned to Natsu, and held out my left hand. My engagement ring was still neatly placed on my ring finger, waiting for the wedding ring to join it. The vicar received the rings, and held them out. I took one, and slipped it onto Natsu's finger, as I smiled up at him. Then he took the other one, and did the same.
" may kiss the bride."
I practically jumped on top of Natsu, and kissed him softly. The crowd erputed in cheers, as I laughed on his shoulder.
"Well aren't we popular," Natsu whispered into my ear. I was so happy, I couldn't stop laughing.
"Mommy! Daddy!" Nashi cried. She threw her hands up into the air with excitement, and at that very moment...
It began to snow.
"Snow?" I asked, holding my hand out to check. "But it never snows here..."
Nashi giggled, as she danced around. I stared at her with confusion. "Nashi, did you-"
"Snow? Well isn't that wonderful!" Spetto said, coming to greet us.
"Yeah, it's like a message from the heavens..." Natsu said, as he gazed up into the sky and stars appeared in his eyes. I hit him round the head for his stupidity, and sighed.
"Will we have to go inside?" I asked, squinting at the clouds above. "It doesn't look like this will clear..."
"I don't see why the snow is a problem. I mean, it's not even cold," A maid said, walking over.
"Yeah, come to think of it, it's not cold at all..." I said.
"We already set the tables outside. Let's go," the maid replied, gesturing for us to follow. I grabbed Natsu's hand, and walked over to Nashi.
"Come on, baby," I said, holding my hand out. She smiled, and took it, walking down with both of us.

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