Chapter 10: There's Something More To me

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-Natsu P.O.V-
I shifted my eyes open slightly. In front of me was a bare, white ceiling. There was only one thing on my mind: Lucy.
"Natsu!" I heard next to me. I turned my head to see Happy, his eyes lit up with excitement. After I examined him, I took in my surroundings, only to discover I was in the infirmary.
"Oh- h-hey," I replied, sitting up.
"Do you feel ok?" Happy asked.
"I'm fine, really. Can you tell me where Lucy is?" Happy's expression grew dark. Then he slowly pointed behind him, to the bed opposite me.
"The guild told me not to tell you. But I think you have the right to know," he said. He followed me closely behind as I neared the bed. And as reached it, I saw what I was unfortunately expecting. Lucy lay there, limp and weak.
"Is...she..." I said, just about managing to say the words.
"No, luckily," Happy told me. I sighed quietly with relief. "Wendy was sure that her magic would of drained, after what she did. But somehow, a tiny bit reminded, which she managed to work on. Wendy said it might have something to do with her spirit abilities," he continued. "But...we don't know when she'll wake up. She could...die at any second," he stuttered on the last few words.
"What did she do?!" I asked, feeling a mixture of different emotions.
"Wendy said its a miracle she's still breathing. After all...she gave you her life," Happy said. I paused and stared at him with disbelief. At that moment, I felt a warm feeling in my heart, as if I could feel her energy inside me. That magnificent glow she possessed.
"C-Could you leave me alone, please?" I muttered, almost trembling.
Happy opened his mouth to speak, but only ended up nodding. He grew his wings and flew out of the infirmary.
I pulled out a chair from behind, took a seat.
" always were an idiot," I said, smiling through my tears.
"But why the hell...would you do something...this stupid..." I continued, between sobs.
"You think I'd want your life? Why the hell would I want that?!" I shouted at her. "And I can't anything..." I sulked, my head in my hands. I sat there, hating myself, as I heard the sound of clinking metal. I looked up and Lucy's hand was open. Looking below, I also noticed a glistening key. Confused, I leaned down and picked it up. Shortly after examining it, I realised it was Lucy's key. I gasped at it, more tears pouring down.
Then, I heard her voice in my head, like it had been trapped inside this beautiful key.
My life belongs to you Natsu. Remember that.
When did she say that? Why?!
"Lucy!" I cried, looking around me. It was silent. Nothing. I admired the key again and the message finally hit me.
This key is the world to you, Lucy. I thought to myself. It holds the power of your life.
" gave it to me?..." I asked her, sobbing.
"No! I don't want this! Why would I...want this?..." I said to myself. I covered my eyes with shame and sat there, alone with Lucy's helpless body.

-Lucy P.O.V-
Is this...heaven?
...Where am I?
"My poor, poor Angel..." Said a cold voice.
"L-Lucifer?!" I said, surprised. I couldn't see anything. All I could do was listen.
"Why...even at a time like this..." I said to him quietly.
"Because I want to help you-"
"You will never be able to help me! I died for my friends! Not because of them! You cannot come into someone's life and steal everything they-"
"Your mother. Do you remember her?"
I paused. What does he know about her?
"Of course I remember her," I replied.
"She was a great person," he said.
"Oh yeah? What gives you the right to say that?" I snapped.
"I knew her very well."
I hesitated to answer. There was pure silence between us, leaving us both speechless.
"Right here," I finally said. "Tell me everything. The truth. Right here, right now."
I heard Lucifer sigh.
"I knew your mother ever since I was a child. I had no friends in the village I grew up in, so I often left and took to the surrounding forest. I met her there and we met there every day, soon after becoming best friends. As we grew older, I felt the urge to ask her to be more than friends, even though she was a few years older than me, but I didn't have the courage. I wanted to marry her, actually. I was preparing to propose, when I saw her walking into a guild...Love and Lucky, I think it was called. A man approached her and began talking to her. I hated that man so much, to the point that I wanted to burn him to the ground, but Layla loved him just as much. When I discovered she was pregnant, that was when I could no longer take it. I left, leaving her in his hands. Then...many years later...I received news of her death."
I waited for him to continue, completely out of things to say.
"When I shot you, in the forest that day, it was clear proof. You already looked exactly like her, but that made sure. Every time I look at you, I see that horrible man's face. But...I see Layla's, too. Which is why it drives me insane."
There was a short silence, then I spoke.
"Y-You said you were protecting me! What the hell were you planning to do with me?!"
"I would make you my daughter," he said sternly.
I gasped slightly.
"W-Why?" I asked quietly.
"I would be that man. I would act as if Layla did marry me, and we did have a beautiful girl. I would be her husband. Her husband...and your father,"
"T-That's crazy! You can't just become someone's father!"
"Was your old man a good father?" He asked.
I hesitated to answer.
"My father's dead," I replied. "Whether he was good or not doesn't matter."
"Yes, I heard about that," he said. "I want you to be mine, Lucy. Not just for me, but for Layla. It's what she would of wanted."
"Don't give me that crap!" I shouted at him. "You may have been her best friend, and a good person, but what matters is who you are now! Layla wouldn't of wanted you to own me! You say you were her friend, but you don't know her at all! Of course, she would've loved you to be there during my childhood, but she would never ask you to replace someone. Ever," I answered back.
He was silent for a moment.
"Luhi," he said.
"Don't call me that."
"I'll call you what I want. Luhi, there is something I need to tell you," he said, with a serious tone.
"You may be a spirit now, but you weren't always human before."
I laughed at him.
"Huh, so I was a dragon then?" I replied.
"No, you were an angel."
"Ha, good one-"
I froze. There was silence, as I slowly connected the dots. Bright light, blades of light, wings...
"Loke gave me wings," I said, without realising.
"Loke's a spirit, right? Well, we would've known I guess."
"A-Are you saying I came from heaven? I'm some kind of God?" I asked sarcastically.
"Angels are myths, even when this world is full of magic. But...Layla was an angel, you know."
"D-Don't joke around with things like this! Y-You're freaking me out!" I shouted at him.
"You were born with the power to protect the world, Lucy. However unfortunately, it's me you're going to protect it from. I'm going to destroy everything, Lucy. It's in my nature. It's in yours to stop it."
"W-Wait, this isn't making sense..." I said worriedly.
"Layla...she had a beautiful gift. Do you know what she was doing when I met her in the forest. She was healing a dying plant. With her bare hands. And it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. She passed that gift to you, Lucy. You think Loke taught you sun magic? Ha, he was just unlocking the magic you already had inside of you. 'Gate of the blazing sun' was just temporary. Your real gate? 'Gate of the heavens.' It's been waiting, all these years. Just for you, Lucy."
"B-But why?!" I said, confused and slightly scared. "I wasn't born a spirit. So why would there be a gate waiting for me?!"
"Because I made it for you," he replied. I didn't answer back. I was in too much of a panic.
"Now, Lucy..." He said slowly.
"No! No more! This is too much!"
"Visit me, when you wake up."
My eyes flew open. The light was blinding me and I lay there, my eyes wide, as they began to adjust. I sat up slowly, unable to wipe the petrified look of my face.
"L-Lucy?" Said a voice. I turned my head suddenly almost like a flinch, to see Natsu, his face full of tears. He lit up to see my face.
"Thank you so much," he said, hugging me. I sat there, unable to react. Lucifer's words floated in my mind and were blocking anything else from passing through.
"Please..." He said quietly, into my shoulder. "Never do anything like that again. Please," I nodded once, extremely slowly. He let go of me in return.
"Are you feeling ok? Are you hurt?" He asked, examining me like a doctor.
"Uh...huh..." I replied. I need answers. Now.
I stood up from the bed and left the infirmary before Natsu could react. As I entered the guild hall, I received various different expressions. But I walked straight pass them. I could hear them as they questioned my strange behaviour.
"Erza, should we stop her?..."
"Is...she feeling ok?..."
I was too shocked to speak. It had all been to much, too fast. I reached the doors and pushed right past them, leaving fairy tail confused behind me. It was cold outside and the rain hit me like bullets. But they didn't bother me at all. I looked up into the cloudy sky, the sun out of sight.
Lucifer. I thought to myself. Answers.
Oh god...this is where sh*t gets DEEP!!! I'm SO glad I finally finished, hope this wasn't too long to wait...but I think I did an ok job (meh...) but any ways, thanks for reading, love you guys! xxxxxx

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