Chapter 3: A 'Secret' Zodiac

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-No one P.O.V-
Lucy and Loke both sat there staring. Then Loke blinked and excused the lady while walking over to Lucy.
"Are you ok, Lucy?" He asked.
"I'm a-a-a" Lucy stuttered.
"Calm down, and tell me what happened," Loke said slowly.
"We were in the forest, looking for the spirit guy. I got hit by his magic, and long story short I found myself disappearing in the middle of the guild. Then, the man was back. He showed me a rose gold celestial key which had my guild mark as the symbol. He said 'forced gate closure' while slashing down the key, and now I'm here," Lucy explained.
"A-are you telling me he turned you into a spirit? But...but that's impossible!" Loke said.
"That's what I was thinking..." Lucy muttered.
"Well, that spirit might be a pain in the ass, but at least he took away the time difference between here and Fiore. Now the guild won't miss you for months on end," He added.
Lucy nodded slowly while sulking.
"But what am I going to do? My magic is celestial magic, and spirits can't use keys. I have nothing..." She sobbed.
"We'll fix that," Loke said, putting his hand on her shoulder. "I'll teach you magic until you're strong enough to open your own gate." Lucy looked up and smiled.
"Y-yeah," she said, cheering up.
"Ok, what do you want to learn?" Loke asked.
"Hm...what kind of fire magic do you have?" Lucy replied. At least when I'm training, I can think of you...Natsu. I thought.

-Lucy P.O.V-3 Days Later-
"THIS IS TOO HARD!" I shouted at Loke. "How do you expect me to do this?"
"You want to see your friends, right? So I'm giving you the quickest training method. But...the quickest is always the hardest."
I sighed, but nodded. "Ok," I said firmly.
"Good. Now, to make you as strong as you can be, I suggest you taking one of the Zodiac places," Loke added.
"T-the Zodiacs?!" I said, suprised. I waved my hands in front of me, saying no to the idea.
"Oh, come on. It'll be fun, trust me," Loke encouraged me.
"But...can you even do that?" I asked. Loke nodded.
"If you're strong enough, you'll be rewarded with a constellation," he explained. "But, since the twelve Zodiac's have been around since...well forever, you'll have to be an exception. A 'secret' Zodiac," he added, smirking.
"Fine, I'll be a Zodiac then..." I sighed.
" since you're learning fire magic, I'd say you'd have 'the gate of the blazing sun'."
"B-b-blazing sun?!" I cried. "Why the hell am I a PLANET?!" I shouted at him. He laughed, and I sweat dropped.
"The sun isn't planet, it's a star. And I'll make a great name of you later," he added. "But for now, let's continue training."
"Fine..." I moaned, and began again.

-Natsu P.O.V-
I stared at Lucy's grave in the rain. Her funeral had finished, and everyone had left. But I couldn't bring myself to leave her side. Happy had offered to stay, but I told him to leave and join the others. Now, it was just me and her. In silence. My tears fell onto the ground and sunk into the soil.
"I'm...sorry..." I muttered, clenching my fists. I fell to my knees, my suit getting dirty and wet. But I didn't care. I grabbed the celestial key from my pocket and held it out in front. "I promise..." He said angrily. "I'll finish this." I stood up and stared ahead, a shadow covering my eyes. "I'll kill him," I said coldly. "No, I'll torture him. Until he bleeds to death." I turned around and stormed out of the graveyard.

-Gray P.O.V-3 weeks later-
It's been almost four weeks since Lucy died. People are still mourning, but Natsu's taken it the worst. He refuses to do any job, and spends every day searching the forest for the spirit that killed her. Luckily, Happy is a good enough friend to go with him. Otherwise I really think he would of gone crazy be now. I was sat at the table drinking beer in silence. Then the doors burst open and Natsu entered, with Happy flying next to him. He had his head down and miserably walked over to a nearby empty table. Nothing again, huh. I thought. He sulked on the table with his head in his hands. Happy was sitting next to him, holding his tail. I looked around and noticed that he wasn't the only one with a mood. No-one was them self. Not a single spark of life was in the guild hall. It was all just gloomy faces. This isn't what Lucy would want. I thought. But there's nothing we can do. I saw Natsu suddenly stand up.
"Come on happy. We're leaving." Natsu said.
"Aye-...ok..." Happy muttered, following him out.

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