Chapter 9 - "Revelations"

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"Uhh you know?" I thought no one else knows....

"Yeah well David is using all his connections to find him but at the same time he wants it don under the radar."

That makes sense because if the media finds out about this crisis in their life, both the hotel and the restaurant would be affected.

"I don't know if they would tell the girls about this though," mom adds, "but from what  Ian told me...Carly might need to hear it."

"Okay mom, I would tell her tomorrow." She is right. I know Carly; although she worries about Seb more than anything else, I know she cares about her dad too. To know that he is actually looking for his son would really help her. "Mom can I ask you something?" I walk towards my bed and sits down beside her.

"What is it Iah?" Her gaze catches my eyes and I immediately look away. I don't like talking to her about relationships and stuff. In fact I would rather talk to Carly or Ian about these.

"Do you-uh," I stutter but fortunately she gives me time to play around with my words and after getting it right, "maybe I should break up with Anthony."

She does not say anything meaning that I have to give her more details. "He's a little over-protective but I've known that since we started dating the first time around. It's just that he's so uncomfortable whenever Seb and I are together. I have tried to stay away from him but it's merely impossible...he's my best friend's brother." I sigh.

"Was Anthony involved in the same fight?"

I nod. "He started it by slashing George's tires but he wasn't after George. He knew Seb was with him so yeah. I have a feeling that part of it is my fault. Yesterday in Calculus, I was really enjoying Seb's company pretty much because he is the only one willing to help me understand the lesson...and I-uh also, love...I love being around him." I add.

"Iah be honest. Why did you get back with Anthony?" Mom questions.

"Uh-um...he-uh begged me for another the party when he punched Seb," for some reason tears begin to fill my eyes and soon I feel one run down my cheek. "I mean you've met Anthony and you were the one who told me about how sincere he is I gave it to him."

'Why am I crying geez...'

"But," my lips tremble, "over the past few days liking Seb." I wish all of that was a lie but it is not. I used to debate on my feelings for him but right now, at this very moment, I am certain. I like him, a lot.

Mom pulls me into a big hug with her lost for words. Like I said this does not happen very often so I'm sure even my mom is shocked that I opened up to her.

Why can't it be a little easier? If I break up with Anthont and end up with Seb at some point, he will be crushed and I don't want that. I must admit, he is a jerk but deep inside I know that he is a softie. I don't want him to get wasted every day like what he did when I first broke up with him. If I stay with him though I don't think it would be fair for him. Worst case scenario is I break up with Anthony and forget about Seb; I definitely don't want to do that.

"Think about it Iah but you have to be ready for the consequences of whatever you choose to do," mom suggests.

"I love you mom," I held her even tighter.

"I love you too sweetheart," she kisses me on the forehead and I feel like a toddler all over again. I never realized how much I miss her. Although we see each other everyday, we rarely bond. Her and dad are so busy at work leaving me with my brother 90% of the time.

* * * * *

As soon as I woke up I sent Anthony a text. I thought about doing it after school but since we have first period together I might as well tell him before class starts. I don't  want to spend a day with him pretending that  everything is okay then tear him up after. He wouldn't show his goons that he is heart broken, I figured. He'd act like everything is fine.

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