Part 1

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Steve's POV

The place was pretty crowded. There were people everywhere holding their drinks. A lot of women in tight dresses and high heels. Still one of them could be pointed out in the stream of people. Natasha was standing by the bar, holding a drink in her left hand. Her red hair was put on one side and she wore a pretty ordinary but out shining dress. Her curves were perfectly shown as usual and men was drawn to her. Also as usual. She was standing next to a brunette guy. I didn't know him. He was flirting with her, obviously. She did seem to have fun with him though. That was until his hand moved down from her waist to her ass. She smiled as she turned his wrist and he moaned in pain. Only a few people turned around, since it was pretty loud in here. The guy hurried away from there as Natasha laughed at the guys hurt face. She sat down at the bar and took a sip of her drink. I went to the bar and took the seat next to her.
"They never learn, do they?" I said as I ordered a beer.
"It's not about the learning. It's about the trying. They know perfectly well what there doing." She said, not changing the expression on her face.
"So what's Captain America doing on a boring party like this one?"
"Not much else to do actually."
"Sure you got something. No friends that hang out at a bar or something?" She said looking at her drink.
"Well, all my friends from the bar are dead so not really." I said with a smile.
"Right. I forgot." She said with a smirk. "I guess we have something in common after all."
"So all your friends passed away years ago when you were sleeping?" I said, giving her a smirk back.
"Something like that." She said looking into my eyes. It was hard to miss them. Big and green as the trees in the summers. I suddenly felt a tap at my shoulder.
"Do you want to dance?" A girl with long blonde hair and a red slim dress stood behind me.
"I'm sorry but I don't dance." I said giving her an 'I'm sorry smile' and she walked away with a grumpy look at her face. Not liking the rejection she clearly wasn't used to.
"That's weird. I figured you'd learned that back in the days." Nat said.
"I had nobody to teach me." I said.
"That's too bad. Otherwise I'd might have asked you to dance with me." She said, smirking again. I blushed a little but tried to hide it, it didn't work very well.
"Yes, that is too bad indeed." I said.
"Maybe next time." She said as she stepped of the chair.
"Where are you going?" I asked.
She smiled.
"I'm not a big fan of after party's. This one has been going on for too long. Please tell Tony to get them out before the sun rise at least?" She said as walked to her place in the avengers towers.
I felt my eyes getting tired and talked to Tony before heading to my place. It' on the same floor as Natasha's.

Natasha's POV

When I got to my apartment I found Clint sitting outside my place. His back resting at my door.
"Are you drunk idiot?" I said shaking my head at him.
"Yup." He said smiling.
"Since when?"
"Since this evening."
"But you never get this drunk, well not anymore at least. What the hell happened?" I said tiredly.
"Thor had this drink. And he said I couldn't drink it, so I did. And now I can't find my apartment." He said chuckling.
"You're an idiot."
"I'm your idiot."
"Wait until Laura hears about this, she'll laugh her heart out." I said as I dragged him towards the elevator. I felt that it was the best and easiest way to take him away. When the elevator doors shut open, Steve stood there, surprised by the sight.
"It's not what it looks like." Clint said looking up at Steve.
"It's exactly what it looks like." I said, kicking Clint in the back jokingly.
"Need some help?" Steve said smiling.
"Actually that wouldn't be so bad." I said looking down at a happy Clint. I pressed the right floor and the elevator doors shut close.
"This is like Budapest all over again." Clint said laughing.
"No, it's definitely not." I said.
"Right, I were the sober one." He chuckled.
"You're always the sober one." I said.
"Budapest?" Steve asked. I smirked.
"You don't wanna know." I said.
"It's Natasha that doesn't want to remember." Clint said.
"Shut the fuck up." I said kicking him in the back again. "God I look forward to your hangover tomorrow."
"How'd you get so drunk Clint?" Steve asked.
"Thor." Clint said.
"Right. 'The asgardian drink of freedom'. You shouldn't have tasted that." Steve said laughing.
"Tasted? I drank the whole thing." Clint said seriously.
"That's my boy." I said smiling.
We reached Clint's floor and carried him to his door.
"Where's you key?" Steve asked.
"We don't use those things." I said as I unlocked the door with a hairpin. Steve wasn't as surprised since he knew us. We carried Clint inside and threw him on to the bed.
"Sleep tight baby." I said jokingly as I kissed his forehead.
"Thanks mommy." He said right before he fell asleep.
"He's unbelievable." I mumbled at the sight of his passed out body.
Steve and I went outside and into the elevator again.
"Did you have a fun night Captain?" I said.
"It depends one the definition of fun." He said smiling. "Clint's the funniest thing this evening."
"That's sad. Especially because of the fact that Clint's boring. You'll have a lot more fun if you dance you know. Meet some people." I said.
"So why don't you do that?" He asked. He had noticed my not dancing at any party thing.
"Oh, I don't need to. I do everything better on my own. That includes dancing."
"So you do dance?"
"Yes. I thought you read my file?" I said as the elevator opened.
"No, I didn't." He said.
I was surprised. Everyone wanted to know my entire back story. Well, except for this guys.
"Have a good night Captain."
"You too, Romanoff."
I looked him in the face with a smirk before I went into my place. I closed the door behind me.

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