>Chapter Forty-Five<

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<Luke's POV>

Every word was ringing in my head. I couldn't focus on anything as I lay there with Kara watching some stupid cartoon that didn't even make any sense. The prior events were spinning through my mind, and I seemed to have lost all sense of control over them. Like when you spin a top on your finger, and you end up moving your hand to keep it balanced as it seems to move on its own.

It started once I knocked on the door...


"Is Kara awake yet?" I asked as we walked inside. Her mum led me to the kitchen, where she finished putting a few dishes away.

"Not yet. I was just about to go get her. Is there anything I could help with? And please, just call me Maria," she smiled and glanced over at me.

"Well, it's our four month anniversary, and I wanted to do something special for her. Would it be alright if we spent the day together?" I asked a bit hesitantly.

"Will there be any illegal activities or...other things involved?" Questions any good mother would ask.

"Oh no, of course not. I just wanted to surprise her with whatever she wanted to do, then take her to a concert tonight." I smiled at the thought of just spending the day with her. "It's that band she loves so much, Twenty One Pilots. I got the tickets a while back when the first went on sale because I knew that would be our four month," I explained.

She turned around with a smile on her face. "How on earth did you get those tickets? They must have cost an arm and a leg..."

"So it's a yes then?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Of course. I think that's the sweetest idea."

"Thank you so much," I grinned. "And don't worry about the cost. I got pre-sale tickets so they were cheaper."

"Well, I should probably go make sure she's u-" She was cut off as a faint beeping started from upstairs, which I guessed was Kara's alarm clock. "Never mind then. Oh! You should hide then jump out and surprise her!"

"That sounds like a great idea. Where should I go?" I looked around in search of a spot when Maria hurried over to a door. Opening it, I was greeted with a pantry that could fit two people easily.

"How about in here?" She grinned.


"I think I'll try to talk to her." I took a deep breath and answered slowly. "Hello?"

"Lukey? It's you right? Oh I've missed you sweetheart. How are you?" My mother sounded just like she used to, and it bright back a wave of awful memories.

"Since when are you suddenly worried in how I'm doing?" I retorted, my heart beating faster. Kara leaned into me a bit more, the feeling doing little to calm me.

"Are you saying I don't care about you? That I don't think about you every day?!" She sounded almost hurt. Almost.

"I'm not saying that, but you haven't made any effort to contact me since I left! So I guess in a way I am saying you don't care."

"Well it's not like you made it easy for me to keep in contact! You change your number every so often, and I never know if it's going to be you or some random wrong number! I want to know what's going on in your life, Luke, but you never let me!" Her voice was loud now as she tried to defend herself.

Rejects // Punk Luke HemmingsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant