>Chapter Forty-One<

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"Nice guitar mate," Michael grinned as I removed my acoustic guitar from its case, placing it on the couch in Ashton's basement.

"Thanks. It's nice to know a guy who appreciates guitars," I laughed and shut the case again. Both he and Calum had arrived before me, leaving me to make an awkward, late entrance.

"So. What kinds of music do you guys listen to?" Calum asked as I turned to face them. Ashton sat behind a pretty large drum kit and a black bass hung from Cal's shoulder.

"Good Charlotte, Blink-182, Green Day, Nirvana, All Time Low, stuff like that," I shrugged. "What about you guys?"

"Good taste. All very good bands. What about stuff like Joy Division, the Ramones, and Jawbreaker?" Ashton twirled a drum stick expertly between his fingers.

"We have the best music taste ever. Just putting that out in the open..." Michael said deadpan. At that, we all broke into laughter. "Seriously though, I love all of those bands. I can play a lot of songs by a lot of them too."

"What do you say we play some then?" I grinned and picked up my guitar, sitting on the arm of the couch.

"Sounds good." Calum nodded.

For the next six and a half hours we played along to our favorite songs by our favorite bands. I learned that all four of us were pretty damn good at our instruments, especially Ashton. He seemed to take drumming very seriously, and by the end of the day his skin glistened with a coat of sweat.

"I'm wiped guys," he huffed as we ended All Time Low's 'Dear Maria.' I gave a nod of agreement, as did Michael and Calum.

"I think that's the most fun I've had in a while," I admitted. And to be honest, other than the time I spent with Kara that was the most fun if had in a long, long time.

"Me too," Mikey sighed. "We should do this more often."

"I think we should make it a weekly thing. Maybe we could even do some videos and put them up online," Cal suggested with a shrug and a grin.

"That sounds like a great idea!" I agreed enthusiastically. Then something popped into my mind. "Can I play a song for you guys? I wrote it for Kara and I just had the idea to run it past you since you all obviously know a lot about music..." I explained slowly.

"Sure mate," Ash grinned and stood, walking around his drum kit to plop down in the middle of the couch. "Play away."

"Okay. Here goes then," I nodded, taking a deep breath and placing my fingers on the right chords.

She sits at home with the lights out,
Seein' life in different colors.
I think it's time that we wake up
So let me take you away.

We could run down the street
With the stars in our eyes
We could tear down this town
In the dark of the night.
Just open the door
We've got time on our side
We can make it out alive.

Hey we're takin on the world,
I'll take you where you want to go.
Pick you up if you fall to pieces
Let me be the one to save you.
Break the plans we had before
Let's be unpredictable
Pick you up if you fall to pieces
Let me be the one to save you.

I sang the rest of the song, strumming along. As I played the last chord, I looked up to see the others looking at me closely. You could hear a pin drop, and I didn't know whether that was a good or bad thing.

Rejects // Punk Luke HemmingsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora