>Chapter Thirty-Seven<

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Waffle sticks yet again.

They're now my favorite food here in Australia. He'd also introduced me to the best variation today too. You put some whipped cream on them, along with chocolate syrup and strawberry slices and it's the best thing ever. Plus whenever I have them I'm with Luke so that makes them even more special....

We sat on the couch eating our waffle sticks and watching reruns of Teen Titans since there was a throwback marathon going on. And to be honest, I think this was one of my favorite moments I'd had with Luke so far.

I was surprised at how comfortable I was with him already. I mean, we'd only known each other for a few months and I was already walking around his flat in nothing but his pajama pants and a sports bra.... But I didn't feel weird and it was nice.

"How's your back?" I asked as our laughter died down.

"Still hurts but I think it's healing faster than anticipated," he nodded with a heart-warming grin.

"Must be the waffle sticks," I giggled. "I can't believe we went through a whole box already!"

"Well when I'm in the equation food doesn't last too long," he pointed out.

"Very true," I nodded.

Our attention was recaptured as the show came back on, opening on a very romantically awkward scene involving Starfire and Robin.

"I say she should just kiss him already," Luke sighed. "She's totally whipped."

I laughed at his last comment before agreeing. "Yeah really. It's not that hard." With that, I found an opportunity. Grinning, I turned Luke's head so he was looking at me before I pressed my lips to his. "See? I mean how difficult would it be?" I laughed after pulling back.

Luke chuckled beside me, shaking his head. "Sly move, Kara. Ten points to Hufflepuff."

"Hey! If anything I'm a Ravenclaw! And I'd say that was worth more than ten points," I retorted in a mockingly upset voice.

"Fine. Do it again and you automatically win whatever those points go to," he laughed. Shrugging, I did just that. Kissing him again, a smile on my lips, I placed my fingers under his chin, noticing the slight stubble there.

"The House Cup this year goes to Ravenclaw then," he whispered, his lips brushing against mine as we pulled back slightly.

"Sly move though, Luke. Ten points to Hufflepuff," I winked as I moved back further. He rolled his eyes and picked up his plate. I did the same, and we walked over to the sink together to rinse off our dishes. We then went back to the couch,  where Luke sat with with his legs up and his lower back against the arm rest. He pulled me down to sit between them, and I rolled my eyes at the huge grin on his face.

"Is this a problem?" He asked smugly as I laid against his chest.

"Not at all," I murmured and closed my eyes. I felt his hands brush back the hair in my face, before he slowly pulled out the hair tie holding it up. I looked up at him in amusement as a faint blush appeared on his cheeks.

"I like playing with your hair," he explained. Another moment where I could tell he wanted to shrug but couldn't because of his shoulders.

"Go for it," I chuckled and shifted so he could have full access to it.

I could tell he was smiling as his fingers combed through it. Sometimes it's funny how something like playing with another person's hair can make someone happy. I felt him section off my hair, my curiosity growing as to what he was doing.

After several minutes, he stopped whatever he was doing, and leaned in close to my ear. "Do you have that hair tie?" He whispered. I nodded with a laugh and handed it to him. He put it in then placed my hair over my shoulder. I looked down to find a braid.

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