>Chapter Fifty<

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I sat across from mom at the dinner table that night at dinner. She had asked that we have dinner together, and I felt bad for wanting to decline so I agreed. She freaked out a bit about my hair at first, and now there was just silent tension between us.

"So... How was your day at school today?" She asked quietly, taking another bite of the chicken she had made.

I shrugged. "It was fine I guess. I stood up to this bìtch that everyone is terrified of. That felt pretty good..."

"I hope you were respectful about it though?"

I chuckled, shaking my head. "How am I supposed to be respectful when I get shoved against the lockers, told that unless I break up with Luke so she can have him back, otherwise she'll ruin my life, and get called a bunch of names?"

Mom sighed, setting down her fork and knife. She put her elbows on the table, pushing her fingers through her hair frustratedly. "Why do you never tell me about these things Kara? I can help, you know that right? I've been in the same position as you and I know how to deal with this kind of thing..."

"Mom, I don't talk to you about this stuff because I don't want you to have to worry about me on top of what you have to worry about with work and everything! I thought we went over this already," I sighed, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Kara, I don't think you understand. Work is a temporary thing tf or me. I'm going to retire eventually, but you?" She looked at me, tears brimming in her eyes. "I've only got one of you. Only one of you to last me the rest of my life. And I can't stand to let you just get hurt like this. You're my only child Kar. I am willing to be unemployed for the rest of my life if it means you're happy and well-cared for."

I sat there for a moment in silence as she leaned her head atop her forearms, which were now laying on the tabletop. I slowly moved around the table to wrap my arms around her shoulders, noticing the slight shake in her body as she let out silent tears.

"It's okay if you want to cry mom. I won't think any differently of you, if that's what you're worried about."

With that, years of pent up emotions came flowing from my rock of a mother, the one true family member I had left. She cried into my shoulder eventually, her sobs quiet but violent. She cried for everything, for dad and for all the stuff I'd gone through and for herself for everything she had lost through her life.

Soon I was leading her upstairs to bed, letting her lean against my side for support. The torrent of emotions had left her drained of all energy, and as soon as she was in bed her breathing slowed to a steady rate.

Quietly exiting her room, I returned downstairs to clean up out mostly eaten dinner. I washed off all the plates and loaded the dishwasher before a faint buzz came from the table. My phone was lit up with a new text message.

Opening it, I found Luke's contact picture along with the text: Are you still up?

Yeah. What's up?

There was a moments pause. Could we go to the park by the swing sets. It's a really nice night out and I don't think I'll be getting much sleep tonight...

Sure. I'll be there in a few :)

Smiling to myself, I retrieved my keys from the table where they say and hurried out to my car, locking the front door behind me. I made my way to the park, and I was greeted by a soft breeze as I got out of the car. I heard a quiet squeaking coming from the swings and I turned to see Luke's silhouette swaying back and forth.

I walked over slowly, not wanting to disturb how peaceful the scene was. I sat in the swing beside him, memories of our first time here whispering in the back of my mind. The stories of his tattoos washed over me, his history and his struggles and my love all on his skin for me to know.

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