>Chapter Thirteen<

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I tried to be quiet as I walked downstairs in case mom was home. I didn't want her to see my neck, especially the hickey near my ear. She'd be upset if she saw them.

I grabbed a bagel from the bag in the cupboard, as well as a single-serving container of cream cheese and a knife, then padded back upstairs. I made it to my room without her knowing.

I sat in my hanging chair, texting Michael.

What happened to you last night? You disappeared after I went to go check on that girl... Michael sent after saying good morning.

I hesitated, wondering how much I should tell him. Oh, uh, I had to go home. I wasn't feeling well.

Mm. I'm mad. I can't find one of my shirts anywhere. :'(

What shirt are you looking for? I asked curiously.

My blink tee?

I sighed, figuring I was wearing the one he was searching for. I have it, actually...


Because, um, I actually didn't go home after you talked to me... *hides behind Chuck Norris for protection*

There was a pause before Michael sent: What were you doing then?

Instead of simply telling him, I sent him a picture of my neck, not including beneath my ear.

OH. MY. GOD!!!!! YOU GOT LAID!!!!!!!

No I didn't actually. But I was wearing a very expensive dress and didn't want it to get messed up.


The banter continued like this for hours until Michael had to go out to something with his parents.

That's when I remembered the folded up piece of paper from the hall. I dug around for it, then proceeded to enter the number on the paper.

To: Luke

Hiya. :D It's Kara

I awaited a reply for all of about two seconds.

Hi Kar. How do you look? >;D

I laughed quietly and sent him the same picture that I'd sent Michael. Like this, was all I said.

There was a slight pause. Wow, I did a good job.

I felt myself blush at this. I didn't know you felt that way about me...

Of course I do. How do think I wouldn't? His reply made me smile.

I don't know. I'm just not used to this, I guess... I respond after a moment of hesitation.

Wanna go out to lunch today? was all he said after that. I blushed, wondering if he was talking about going on an actual date or not.

Like, a date? I typed the first thing that came to mind.

If you want it to be a date...

Sure. I'd like that. Where are we going?

A pause stopped the conversation as I assumed he was trying to pick a place to go. What about that little Italian place? They have really good pizza.

I don't think I've ever been there. I've seen it, but never gone in. What's it called again?

I think it's Roberto's or something like that.

Sounds good. What time? I felt the butterflies in my stomach begin to form as I hugged my knees to my chest.

What about 2? Is that enough time for you?

I looked at the time. 1:08. That sounds great. I'll be ready by then. :)

Cool. See you at 2 then! ;D

Bai x) I sent before standing to go get dressed.


Forty minutes later, I was all decked out in my Unicorn Tears pullover with the sleeves pushed up, along with black ripped skinny jeans, a white beanie with "vibes" on it, and my glasses. I put on light makeup and brushed out my hair. Slipping on my black Converse and picking up my bag, I set out.

My car squeaked to a stop in front of Roberto's Pizzeria. It was a cute little restaurant with big front windows and a Spanish tiled roof. I walked in and was greeted by the warmth of the big stone ovens and the scent I fresh pizza. I looked around to see if Luke had arrived yet, then spotted him in the corner next to the window. He was looking at me with a smile.

Blushing, I went to sit across from him. The table was probably meant for a group larger than just two people, but at least we'd have space to eat.

"Hi," I greeted him quietly.

"Hi." He moved the menu he'd gotten me across the table. "Here you are."

"Thanks." I looked up to see him watching me carefully over the top of his menu, like they did in movies. I raised an eyebrow. "Yes?"

"Nothing," he shook his head and looked down at the food options, though I could tell he was smiling.

"Ok then," I chuckled. "What are you getting?"

"What every boy gets. The giant pizza." Luke grinned at me and set down his menu. I realized how handsome he looked, even though he was only wearing a flannel and black skinny jeans.

"Why do you torture you digestive system like that?" I laughed.

"Because my digestive system can handle it," he countered. "What are you going to get?"

"I think I'm going to get the spaghetti." I set down my menu as well and smiled.

"Safe choice. But doesn't pasta sauce stain on white?" Luke smirked and gestured to my white pullover.

I shrugged and nodded. "I could always get the garden salad."

"You should try their white pizza. It has no sauce, but it's still so good." His eyes lit up a he said that.

I laughed, moving my feet a bit further out from under me. I bumped Luke's foot with mine. "Oh, sorry," I said awkwardly. Then I felt his shoe knock against mine. That was how our foot war began. We sat there for two or three minutes just kicking each other, lightly of course, and laughing like little kids. People gave us weird looks, but we paid no attention to them.

Finally, a waitress came over. "Hello," she said in an overly perky voice. "Are you two ready to order?" she asked and glanced at me, before smiling at Luke. She was really going to try to flirt with him?

"Yes," I said quickly. "I'll have the white pizza with pepperoni as well as a Coke." She gave me a thinly veiled look of annoyance before writing down my order and turning back to Luke.

"And for you hon?" she singsonged.

"I'll just have the mega pizza with pepperoni as well. And I'll get a lemonade too," he said and grinned at me. It made the butterflies in my stomach go crazy.

"Alright, will that be all?" the girl asked.

"Yeah, I think so," I said and handed her our menus. She nodded and left. I looked out the window to watch a young couple stroll past us, hands clasped and shoulders leaning against each other.

Would that be us one day?



Oh my gosh. I haven't updated since the 15th! I feel like such a bad person. Keeping you guys waiting. Do you like how this is happening? Or is it too sudden? I mean I know it took twelve chapters for Kara and Luke to go on a date, but still.

Thanks for reading everyone. I still wish I had more reads but I am more grateful than any of you know for the reads that I have. Thanks so much!! <3



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