>Chapter Nineteen<

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The next few weeks blurred together in anticipation of autumn formal. Each week consisted of the following:
• Wake up
• Get dressed and eat
• Go to school
• Enjoy lunchtime with friends
• Go back to class
• Go home
• Do homework
• Shower
• Go to sleep
• Repeat

My life was getting way too repetitive. Until a week before the dance, that is.


"So, class, today we will be doing a group activity. You'll need to get into groups of threes," Mrs. Kamora instructed. Michael and I glanced at each other even though we were seated right beside one another. Who else would be in the group though?

"Um, hi, Kara?" came a wispy voice from across the table. I looked over to find Eve standing there, looking extremely uncomfortable. "Would I be able I join your group?" she asked quietly, tucking a strand of her maple brown hair behind her ear.

"Of course! I'd love that," I smiled, welcoming her to the group.

"Oh, thanks," she smiled. Her eyes crinkled at the edges, adding to her overall impression of innocence and adorable-ness. She sat down across from me on the bench, smoothing down her skirt and pulling her hands up into her sweater sleeves.

"No problem. I'm really glad you asked, actually. I've been meaning to talk to you for a while. I'm not sure if you remember or not, but that one day when I was getting ice cream, I saw you at the store. Ever since then I've been wanting to talk," I smiled warmly.

"Yeah, I remember that," she nodded. "I was a bit too shy to say much more than hello..."

"Oh no, it's totally alright," I assured her.

"Does everybody have a group?" called Mrs. Kamora from up front. She was met with a chorus of affirmative grumbles. "Alright, I hope you chose people you work well with because you will be working in these groups for the rest of this term, possibly a bit into next term depending on how far we get," she nodded.

"Now, class, the project we will be doing is a very special one. It will require both art skills, as well as communication skills. You will be making portraits of each of your group mates, but not in the way you'd think. You will not be drawing them how you see them, but how you feel about them." She clicked the mouse to advance to the next slide of the PowerPoint she was showing. A few examples popped up.

The drawings were amazing, not made up of lines, colors, textures, or anything in a normal portrait. No, the people were made of words. They seemed to be describing what the person was like, things that they had said, things that they liked. Each separate group of characteristics made up a different part of the face, which looked like a real person.

The eyes were made of their physical characteristics, the cheeks made of their personalities, the forehead of what they believed in, the nose of their background. The lips were comprised of things they had said, the ears of their favorite sounds, the eyebrows and hair constructed of words others used to describe that person. And each group was colored how it would look on the person. For example, the eye in the words were blue for one girl, her skin dark tan and her hair long and blonde.

"As you can see, this project will require a vast amount of knowledge about your partners. So I would suggest setting up times to meet and talk about the things you'll need to know. I'll pass out the packet of things I'd like you to have for this, but don't worry about how thick it is. You will not need to use all of the items listed."

When we received our packets, and I sighed from the fact that we were picking what we would do. It had to be close to ten pages. I flipped through it, finding things like favorite traits in others, ethnic background, personality, family, and so many others.

After explaining it a bit more, Mrs. Kamora let us discuss which information we'd like to use. The three of us settled on personality, physical features, race, beliefs, favorite things, and family. After that, the class bell rang, signaling that we had to leave now.

"It's really nice to finally talk to you, Eve, I smiled. "Are you going to autumn formal?" I asked as we gathered our things.

"Yeah. But I still have to get a dress," she nodded shyly. Hopefully this project would get her to open up a bit...

"Would you like to go dress shopping with me?" I asked with a smile.

"I'd love to!" she agreed happily.

"Alright, what about tomorrow? Say, noon maybe?" Tomorrow was Saturday, exactly one week from the dance. "We could meet at that little boutique. The one down the street from the Chocolate Koala?"

"That sounds awesome," Eve smiled, looking genuinely excited.

"Alright! See you tomorrow then," I replied, hugging her lightly before we went our separate ways.



Wow. I updated this as well as my Calum fanfic all in one night. I think that's an all time high for me. *Wink wink* haha so puny. Jk not really. That was really bad...

Gosh, you guys are just so... I don't even know what to say. Thank you so so so so so so much for over two thousand reads. I can't even. You guys are amazing and I thank you for this.

I'm finally getting some other peeps commenting on this. Woo!! No one ever comments...... it makes me a sad penguin......

Sorry if this chapter sucked too. I kinda just went along with the first thing that popped into my head. Do you guys like Eve? I think she's gonna end up with- HAHAHAHAHA JK I WOULDN'T TELL YOU. I'M NOT A SPOILER. ;D (Yup. Not about that life.)

Hope you guys liked this, hope you guys vote/comment on this, and- if you are still reading comment if I should have another reader in the story for one of the guys [I mean it. Comment]- I love you all.


Note: the project is supposed to look somewhat like the picture accompanying this chapter. Not exactly, but I like how that looks. That's just to give a very rough example. ^-^

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