>Chapter Four<

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The car ride home was uneventful, as usual. I got home and walked inside, putting my bag on the kitchen table. I pulled out my phone, opening up my messages. The school had sucky reception, so I hadn't received the text from my mom until now.

Hi sweetie. Would you be able to get some eggs on your way home? And if you get home before you see this, let me know. Thanks! Xoxo

Of course, she would ask me to go run an errand. Instead of texting her back saying I was home, I decided to go out and get some eggs from the grocery store a few blocks away.

Grabbing my keys and purse again, I went back out to the car. Starting the car, I looked in my wallet to see how much money I had. It was enough to get what I needed, and a pint of ice cream.

I drove quickly to the store, grabbing what I needed. As I walked toward the register, I noticed a girl who looked somewhat familiar. I might have seen her in my art class, but I wasn't sure.

She saw me looking at her, and smiled, waving. I waved back awkwardly, before making my way to the check-out.

Placing my items on the counter, I waited patiently as the cashier ran them over the scanner.

"Hi. Aren't you in art with me?" came a soft accent from the left of me. I looked to find the girl from a moment ago. "I'm Eve," she introduced herself and put out her hand.

"Kara. And yeah, I think we do take art together," I smiled slightly and shook her outstretched hand.

"I've seen your pieces. You're amazing!" Eve said breathily. "I've never been very good at art. But I still love it."

"Well, thanks. I appreciate that." I was fully smiling now. Compliments to my artwork did that to me.

"I guess I'll see you in school," Eve smiled back as I paid for my things.

"Yeah. See you then," I nodded and left for my car. I drove home, put the eggs in the fridge, grabbed a spoon and my phone, as well as the pint of Ben 'N Jerry's I'd bought, then went upstairs.

My room awaited me, the white walls bare other than a few pictures and posters, as well as a strand of twinkle lights. I missed the handprints on my old walls. They use to remind me of my childhood, adding new handprints every year on my birthday. Each year was a different color and a little bit higher than the year before it. The last time I did that was the day before the move here, and I was practically balling my eyes out. I wondered if anyone had bought the house yet, and if someone did buy it, what happened to the handprints?

I flopped onto my chair that hung in the corner of the room, tugging open the ice cream. I began eating it as I opened my messages again.

Michael's number was listed as I scrolled through my contacts, so I hesitantly decided to talk to him. International texts and calls were so expensive, so I was reluctant to text or call my few friends back in the States.

Hi :) I sent. Safe enough, right?

It took a minute or two for him to respond, then he said, Hey. what's up?

Not much. Just eating ice cream.

Lucky! What kind?

Ben 'n Jerry's moose tracks <3

So jealous!! >:|

The conversation continued like this, with trivial little things. I'd finished my ice cream before my mom arrived home, and I talked with Michael for a few hours.

When I heard the garage door open, I hurried downstairs to greet my mom. Michael had gone to eat dinner with his friends, so I had no one to talk to.

"Hi, mom!" I hugged her as she walked in.

"Hi, Kar. How was your day at school?" she asked like any good mother would.

"It was the same as usual. Though I actually talked to two people. Though, one of them I wouldn't really count." I shrugged. "He seems to be one of the 'cool kids', so he probably won't talk to me ever again."

"He? You're already talking to a boy?" my mom raised her eyebrows in surprise as she set her things on the counter.

I blushed lightly. "Actually, they're both boys," I smiled. "One is Michael, my first kind of friend here, and the other is Luke, the popular, dreamy, perfe- never mind." I cut myself off.

"Is he cute?" she asked curiously.

"Oh my gosh, mom... He is the most perfect person I've ever seen..." I replied quietly, getting butterflies just thinking about him. His voice still played clearly in my mind, as if on repeat.

"I think you like this Luke boy," she laughed.

"I should probably go start my homework," I changed the subject, not wanting to talk about this anymore.

"But it's Friday! You never do homework on Friday." Mom looked at me oddly.

"Well, I can do what I want. It's my homework!" I replied jokingly. "Plus I have plans for tomorrow. I'm going with Michael to the Chocolate Koala."

"Is it a date?"

"No, mom!" I rolled my eyes, grabbing my school bag. "We're just friends."

"Alright," she said, sounding unsure.

Walking up the stairs, I called down. "The eggs are in the fridge!"

"Alright. Thanks!"

"Love you. I'll be in my room if you need anything."

"Ok. Love you too," she called as I closed my door, collapsed on my bed, and thought of Luke.


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