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"A brief bout with a razor blade cut me. I freaked out thinking people didn't love me."~Razorblade, Blue October.


I didn't see him coming. I didn't hear him. Before I knew it, I was on the ground, my breath knocked out of my lungs from the impact. I tried to gasp for air but Kyle's weight on my back was keeping my lungs compressed. I gasped as best as I could, but my lungs just wouldn't fill. I felt Kyle's arm wrap around my neck from behind. He applied pressure before I had a chance to breathe. I frantically tried to smack him, scratch him, anything. I needed air. I always kept my finger nails short so they didn't help me defend myself. The seconds felt like hours and the pain of his constricted arm on my neck caused my tears to flow. My lungs and muscles screamed for any oxygen I could get and my vision began to blur. Just as I felt myself slipping into unconsciousness, he let go. My gasps sounded like the gasp in the beginning of Imagine Dragons' Radioactive.

He rolled me over on my back as I continued to gasp. My throat was so sore I felt like I couldn't say anything. Suddenly I realized what Kyle was going to do. Before, my brain was oxygen staved and not clear, but now my adrenaline and fear kept me from stringing two logical thoughts together. In his eyes I saw anger I had never seen before. I thought I was looking into Satan's own eyes. I felt Kyle's hands pulling my bathing suit cover over my head. He wadded it up.

I did my best and whispered barely audibly, "Kyle, please don't do this. Please-"

Before I could finish my sentence he shoved a wad of my green dress in my mouth as a gag. I felt his large hands run up my sides, slowly pulling up my bathing suit top. I panicked and tried to push him away but my muscles were still in shock from lack of oxygen. He pulled my top off and used the rubber tourniquet to bind my arms. I felt a renewal of will and strength to fight and I began to kick and push him away, but he was so much stronger. My resistance seemed to turn him on and he smiled, making me shutter.


Everything was kind of blurry and slow. My thoughts weren't fast and it took me twice as long to decode what I was hearing.

I couldn't believe her. She was going to tell Dan about my heroin. I could lose everything; my job, my way of living, my best friends, and if my parents or Janna found out I'd lose them too. Suddenly I saw what I expected my life to be like if she told anyone. I panicked, and as she walked away I told myself I had to stop her.

I don't even remember deciding to jump her, even actually jumping her for that matter. I just remember anger, fear, and hopelessness, and then I was above her on the ground, choking her. It freaked me out and I let go. I rolled her over to see if she was okay. Her neck was turning a greenish purple colour of a bruise. There was sand in her hair that was now unraveling out of its braid. I was still so angry, but I suddenly had an overwhelming desire to have her. I heard her whispering and begging but I just ignored her. She weakly pushed me away and it made me even more excited.

When I forced myself into her, I could see the pain in her eyes and I heard her muffled screams. It felt good to realize I was dominating her. I wrapped her legs around my body and tried purposefully to make this as painful as I could for her. Tears streamed down her face and she started begging me for mercy though her gag. 

When I was finished, I let her roll to her side. I was still over her breathing in the scent of her hair. I looked at her pathetically crying and another rush of anger possessed me. I pushed her to her stomach. I grabbed her by her thick, long, reddish hair on her head with one hand, and I had my way with her again. Her muffled screams, moans, and pleas were even more violent and I could see her grasp sand in her fists and she stopped fighting, resigning herself to me.


"It's too late to say you're sorry. Say you're sorry still. I stepped out with heavy heart to bail you out again. All those things you do, and all those things you did."~Bloody Shirt(Bastille Remix), To Kill A King and Bastille  

I laid in the sand in shock. I stared over the crashing waves as I decided I should die there. I thought Kyle had fallen asleep next to me. I did my best to sit up, but I was in so much pain I just shrunk up into the fetal position. I felt like I had no tears left to cry. I finally figured out how to get my hands free and I pulled my soaking wet dress out of my mouth so I could better breathe. I slowly slid my bathing suit bottoms back up my legs and slipped on my dress. I didn't even bother with the bathing suit top. I was so thirsty, but I was too tired to move.

I looked over to see Kyle covered in vomit. He had been too high to turn over and he had drowned in his own up choke.

I hated him so much for what he did to me, so I watched him lifelessly lying there like so many other heroin addicts. However, something told me I would be haunted by the memory of watching his dead body if I didn't save him. I don't know why but I moved to my knees and tried my best to perform CPR.

Finally, he began a coughing fit. He sat up holding on to me for dear life. We were both drenched in his vomit and sand. Once Kyle had finished coughing he held me tighter and began to rock back and he kept repeating, "I'm sorry, Emma. I'm so sorry."

Author's note

I'm sorry if my previous chapters seemed boring but I felt like I needed to give some background on the main characters. 

Also, I hope no one hates Kyle. It is not my intention to mar his reputation. In fact if you keep reading you'll see both Emma and Kyle grow separately. Don't forget to take in account that Kyle was buzzed before he got high so both the alcohol and drugs took control. THIS IS FICTION KYLE.

I hope this scene wasn't too much, but when compared to some of the scenes I've read, it seems pretty mild, like a Sunday school compared to a strip club... I'm just saying. 

Lastly, if you see any usages of incorrect grammar(apart from idioms and exclamations in dialogue), let me know in the comments and I'll do my best to correct them.

Much obliged. 

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