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"Train comes, I don't know it's destination. It's a one way ticket to a madman situation."~Overload, Bastille


When we got to the beach and docked, Becky told us she wanted to grab a refreshment and use the lieu so she would meet us after. She didn't have time to eat on the ship so I started looking for a nice place to settle.

Emma and I started walking down the beach. It was an unusual shoreline; the distance from the water to the cliff behind the beach was short and the sand stretched down the coast for a very long distance. The farther we went from the little dock where our jet skis were, the people started thinning out. Emma suggested that we go past the crowds and go towards what looked like the end of the beach. It was a large stone wall protruding into the ocean.

There was a little arch just big enough for a few people to walk under to the other side where the beach seamed more beautiful and less populated. There was actually no one on the other side of the stone arch and it looked good to me so we picked a spot shaded by an overhead in the cliff.

I pulled a few beers out of my backpack and offered her one. She looked at it like it was beneath her and declined my offer. She moved a few feet into the sun and lay on her stomach reading a book completely ignoring me. I picked up her walky-talky and started paging Becky. She never answered and after several minutes of tuning the talky from channel to channel and paging her I figured she must have forgotten to turn hers on.

"Hey, Emma, I don't think Becky has her talky on and she won't have a clue where we are."

"Sure, I'll go find her," she said obliviously. She stared into her book for a moment longer and I thought she had either forgotten or was being sarcastic earlier, and I started to get up and go myself, when she got up and grabbed her little backpack. She turned to leave and hollered, "I'll be back," over her shoulder.

I thought she'd be gone for a while. Once she was on the other side of the stone arch, I pulled some stuff from my bag. I rapped a large medical rubber tourniquet around my arm. I shook the bottle before I turned it upside down and stuck the needle in the cap. The clear fluid filled the needle. I pulled it out and flicked it to make sure all the bubbles came to the top where I could push them out before I injected the warm liquid into my arm. I laid back and relaxed as it started to take effect, and after a few minutes my thought process was blurring.


I spent my walk back to the public bath rooms and venders contemplating what Becky had told Kyle about me right next to me. She knew I could hear everything. She must have purposed to hurt me. What's wrong with her? Doesn't she know Harvard isn't the only good school? For your information honey, I got accepted to Yale but I turned them down. People going to Ivy League colleges aren't necessarily any better than anyone else. Not to mention telling him that I didn't go to high school. My blood began to boil. I have kept all my thoughts of her to myself so far, but maybe I shouldn't.

I got all the way down to the little docks before I realized that Kyle still had my talky. I was mentally cursing first Kyle, then Becky, then myself. I looked around for Becky and called her name a few times. I went to the public bathrooms and glanced in several shops but I couldn't find her. After about ten minutes I decide to go back to get my talky and attempt paging her again.

When I got back Kyle looked like he was asleep so I decided to rummage around until I found my talky. It didn't take long for me to find the bottle; it was laying right there on Becky's towel next to Kyle. I picked it up and looked to Kyle, when I first noticed the rubber band loosely wrapped around his arm. I had an uneasy feeling and dreaded reading the label. Its label had been scratched over with a pen but it was still legible.


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