I'm not an idiot...

667 16 1


‘NIALL!’ I screamed as Tyler swung his fist back aiming for Nialls jaw.

‘Oomf’ Niall grunted as blood started dripping out of his nose.

Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. This is not happening. What the hell? Tyler was supposed to be back in town with his douchebag friends! Not here messing up my life and punching my new boyfriend!

I ran up to Niall and started helping him up.

‘Niall are you okay? Oh jesus your nose…’ I gasp realizing his nose did not look like it normally did.

‘What the hell is going on here?’ Louis asked. I realized our gang finished the ride.

‘Anya. Anya. Anya. I need Anya.’ I gasp in short breaths. Anya needed to be here.

‘Anya! Where are you? Em needs you!’ Liam said putting his arm around my waist and keeping me up while the other boys got Niall to sit down and was helping him out.

‘Anya! Where the bloody hell are you!’ Liam yelled.

I raised my head up and saw Anya with popcorn in her hand frozen in the middle of the path, staring at Tyler on the ground trying to get up. I saw her slowly blink back to reality and frantically look for me. She spotted me in less than a minute and was by my side in less than a second.

‘Anya. What the hell is he doing here. You said he wouldn’t come back. Anya. You said he wouldn’t come back.’ The words coming out of my mouth were a gargle that soon turned into sobs.

‘Em? EM?!’ Nialls voice filled with worry. Next thing I knew there were two people in my ear comforting me.

‘Who the HELL are you?’

I look up to see Tyler giving Niall death stares that could have made any average guy run in a dead sprint. But Niall just straightened up and returned the deathstare.

‘I’m her boyfriend motherfucker.’ He said with pure acid in his voice.

‘Oh Really?’ Tyler drawled. ‘Last I checked I was her boyfriend.’ He said with a smirk that made me want to vomit.

‘Hahahaha! You mean before she found out it was all a bet? Before you dumped her in a way that the devil would look at you and be jealous? Before all that? Sure! But now? I think you’re a bit delusional mate.’ Niall said with sarcasm that sounded like pure evil.

I still felt like the food me and Niall just ate is about to make another appearance. Oh god.. My stomach was churning like a cotton candy maker on ecstasy and my eyesight was as hazy as Niall drunk on St Patricks Day.

Was this actually happening? For some reason I expected Anya to shake me awake and tell me I was just having nightmares. But for another reason I felt like that was so not going to happen.

‘What the hell are you talking about?’ Tyler asked sounding really confused.


‘What the hell we’re talking about? What the hell we’re talking about?’ I repeat suddenly finding the strength to stand up and look Tyler in the eye. I was about to start a rant but I realized that he wasn’t lying. His eyes really did look like he had no idea what we were on about.

‘Tyler I’m not stupid! Okay? And I don’t have short term memory that only lets me remember what I had for breakfast okay? I have not forgotten how you dumped me in front of the whole school. On our 3rd month anniversary. After I sang to you. I have not forgotten that. I have never forgotten that! You can’t just come in here and pretend none of that happened!

‘How did you find out about the bet?’ he asked suddenly getting defensive. As if he was caught doing something he shouldn’t have been doing.

‘You bloody told me in front of everybody! After I sang to you for our 3 month anniversary! You dump-‘

‘Emma?’ I was cut off by a different voice.

I looked behind Tyler to see who it is. A guy about our age was standing there looking just like Tyler when he first recognized me. He was dressed alike too. Leather jacket, baggy pants… His face was more round than Tylers though and he had green eyes instead of brown.

I recognized him to be the one who had set up the bet with Tyler. Jared.

‘Oh god. I cannot believe you are here right now. Tyler? Dude why is your nose bleeding?’ He trailed off as he looked at the scene in front of him. My boys and Anya at my back all glaring at him and Tyler, Niall next to me with his arm around my waist also giving Tyler and him a death stare and me.

‘Shit. Shit. Shit.’ He started mumbling. He ran his hands through his hair.

‘I am so sorry Emma. This was not meant to happen. We were only here for a day out. We did not expect to see you here. I swear on  my ma’s life!’ he started to say frantically as he went over to Tyler to face him.

‘Tyler man? Hey.. You’re pretty messy right now. Why don’t we just get going and start cleaning you up hmm?’ he says trying to usher Tyler away.

‘No! What the hell Jared? She isn’t supposed to know that! You know I fell for her for real now—‘ HE stopped short and looked at me with fear.

‘Ahh crap.’ Jared mumbled running his fingers through his hair

What the hell was going on? He fell for me for real? Niall tensed up immediately. I gripped onto his hand. This was so messed up.

‘Anyone care to bloody explain what’s going on?’ Zayn asked with his glare fixated on Tyler.

‘Okay, maybe I should just… Explain all of this. Where to start… Em I need to speak with you.’ Jared mumbled.

‘She doesn’t go anywhere without all of us.’ Harry growls immediately. For some reason I felt like I had no say in this, but at the same time, I felt safe around these people.

‘Okay fine. Come on.’ Jared said. He went beside Tyler and helped him walk towards the… parking lot?

Well this should be interesting.


Heyyy Guys!

I'm sorry about not posting last week. :(

I actually have a good reason though. It was Exams week last week and I had absolutely NO time for WattPad. But... I am back NOW! WooHOO! Okay.

So this chapter is short because I was planning on starting the whole drama in a whole chpater so I cut this short.

ANyway my food is now ready! 

Bye For Now!

Love EmEm

Who Knew? (A Niall Horan Fan Fiction)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat