A prank and the start of something new....

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Niall POV

Isn’t life flipping amazing? It is just so beautiful sometimes! I love life and surprisingly it is all because of one simple reason: Emma Jane Anderson. Yes that is the one reason I am waking up smiling.

Last night’s date was just perfection. I saw her face when she thought I left her. I would NEVER do that! It was obvious she was hurt a lot before. I have no idea who would do that but I can guarantee and promise anyone that whoever hurt a girl as sweet and as perfect and as beautiful as my Emma…. Is just plain stupid.

Dude you just called her your Emma….. said Tom. Great, he was back again… Wait, what did he just say? Did I really just call her that? My Emma. My Emma. Wow that feels good! Speaking of Emma, I wonder what she’s up to…

I lifted my head up to check the time. It was only 10:48 am she should be up by now. I got up threw on some sweatpants and a top and looked around for Emma.

We all decided to just put the mattresses down here and sleep all together (not in that way you naughty Llamas!) in the living room. I looked around to see Niall with his head near Liam’s feet and Liam and Zayn still knocked out. To the far side I see Harry and Anya sleeping next to each other with Harrys arm wrapped around Anya’s waist protectively. I smirked as I took a photo. This may come in handy later.

After I took a couple of pictures, just in case, I realized that Em wasn’t anywhere to be seen. I started to panic. Did she go out? Was she in trouble? I was going to call the police before a piece of paper on the T.V stand caught my eye. I picked it up and read.

Morning you bums! (Except Niall of course <3)

Well since all of you are not only bums but lazy ones I have gone out to get some breakfast for all of us I should be back soon and if not do not, I repeat, DO NOT, let Niall go anywhere near the refrigerator. Anya and I still need to eat you know? Hahaha just kidding! Love you guys!

P.S Just in case Hanya (my ship name for Harry and Anya :P) wake up before everyone else… I stand as a witness to saying that they were TOTALLY CUDDLING AND EVERYTHING! HAHAHAHA! Anyway byee!!


Emma xx

I grinned at all her quirkiness. Luckily she was in no trouble and was only getting breakfast. That’s good then. I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself with out her…

Hmmmmm now what to do before she gets back… a shower? Yeah, definitely...

Emma POV

I walked out of the café with my bag of bagels and warm bread and a bag of seven coffees and started to walk towards our apartment with my earphones playing quite loud. I started to sing and didn’t realize I was singing out loud. I walked for another few minutes when suddenly someone tapped me on my shoulder.

I turned to see a woman with long legs, short wavy brown hair, hazel eyes and thin lips. she was looking at me with a hint of something in her eyes… Eagerness?

‘Ummm. Did you want something ma’am?’ I asked curiously wondering why a complete stranger would have stopped me in the middle of me walking home.

‘Hi my name is Camellia and I was wondering, do you sing professionally?’ she asked with a smile.

‘Um no, I’m actually in Uni right now taking a music course… How come?’ I asked wondering where this was going.

‘Well if you’d like..’ she said fishing for something in her bag,’ you can call me at this number because I would love to offer you a record deal. You have got a unique voice young lady and I really hope you call my number. You could make it big in this world!’ she said smiling and handing me a business card as she walked away in a hurry.

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