Going Back In Time... Even if I don't want to....

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Authors Note:

Hey guys!

I know I don’t really usually have these at the beginning just here to let you know that this is going to be a pretty full on chapter. This is the chapter that’ll start things off. A lot will be revealed.

Now, for the story.

As soon as she said the words, I felt like I was being pulled out of my body. I was in a different place. I wasn’t in the bathroom with Anya anymore. I wasn’t in London. I was someplace else. A place I knew all too well. A place that I wanted to forget with all my heart. The flashback was about to start. But I refused to be pulled in this time. Because this time, I made a promise. A promise to try my hardest. And I wasn’t going to break it.

Instead of going into no-zone mode, I broke down in tears. Anya’s arms immediately found their way around me, and immediately I felt safe.

Safe. Safe. According to the dictionary it is being free of liability, harm, injury etc. To me it was- is the feeling of being cut open and never healing. The feeling of being exposed completely, the feeling of being vulnerable to everything and never being able to heal. I have never felt safe. Physically, yes I was fine. Emotionally, I was never safe. Ever since that day my parents died. Ever since that day, I have never been safe.

I used to love singing as a child. Ever since I realized I could make my own music from the hole in my mouth I knew it was what I was supposed to do. I’d be singing the Alphabet, Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars, and Mary Had A Little Lamb ever since I made the realization. I’d be singing in Birthdays, Christmas, and New Years… I’d be the star of all family reunions. Everyone had predicted I’d be a singer in the future, and I loved the idea of it! Being able to stand in front of millions of people and sing and make them feel so much through my music was something I have always dreamed of.

My mom and dad were so supportive of me.

What they used to do was they’d’ put on little shows for charity cases. My sister and I along with our other friends and put on a show that people would pay money to see. In turn, the money we earned would be donated to the charity we were performing for. WE would raise thousands. And the little kids in the charities would look so happy. But that was then.

After my parents died, I tried to sing in the charities again with my Aunt and sister but I just couldn’t do it. I couldn’t look at the little children’s faces without remembering my parent’s faces. And it wasn’t just with the children it was with any performance. I could not perform anymore. Not that I couldn’t but because I always remember my parent’s faces when I perform.

I became a hermit. I wouldn’t let anyone in. My sister was the only person I would talk to. A few words between me and my aunt but that was it. I lost my friends because of what happened, I pretty much disappeared from everyone. It just became my sister and I in my life. That was until Tyler came.

Tyler would fit into any bad boy role. He had everything that was needed, black leather jacket, strong build, tall and devilishly handsome. He had this air about him that made everyone want to do as he asks. Obviously all the guys got jealous and all the girls swooned like there’s no tomorrow. Well, most. I found him as a stuck up and arrogant little pest that I could not escape. Wherever I was people were always talking about his latest party, the last ‘crime’ he did or his latest flavor of the week. I shook my head at all these people. He was just another guy. What was so special about him? But, alas, I was no different from anybody else. I was about to delve deeper into my thoughts but someone was shaking me awake.

‘Emma? Emma?! Em! Please please please don’t go into a coma on me!’

‘Dude, her eyes are open… I’m pretty sure she’s just daydreaming.’

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