A Calm-ish Morning

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Back to Japan

Right now I decided to just sit in the corner and wait. I may have fallen asleep. I may defend my age from time to time but now all I'm going to say is that I'm old. I need sleep. Sleep is my friend.
Anyway, I woke up to complete silence. I'm grateful but it's scaring me.

Suddenly, the door burst open. There stood Prussia with cleaning supplies and a look of excitement. What time is it?

"Mien Gott! Japan your house is a mess!"

"Wait what time is it?"

"Like six in the morning."


"Yes! And now I get to clean!"

"Fine, but don't look through my stuff."

"What's going on?" And there stood the child. Who looked adorable and tired.

"Who is this?" Prussia asked after a moment.

"Oh so you're Prussia."

"Yes the one and only! But who are you?"

"I'm Evan!" Evan looked at me. "Morning mom!"

"...what?" Prussia stared at me for a moment. A really long moment.

"Uh...Evan is my son." I answered. It's still weird to stay.

"What?! Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Because I barely even learned that."

"Okay! I better get started!"

Evan's POV

Prussia's pretty weird. So, dear reader, you must have been questioning what's up with me. It's simple!

Let me start from the beginning.

Like countries, we states wake up in some random environment. I met this girl. She told me everything that I needed to know. Like, that I'm a state. Well...I'm part of a state. Hawaii is kinda weird. Anyway, the way I know about the strings is a little complicated. I was wandering around one day when I met an old lady. She said she knew magic. So, I told her about how I saw a bunch of strange strings everywhere.

She explained it all. From what kinds of strings there are to what we can do with them. It was really cool! I'm technically a few 100 years old I think. But I was born a few months ago. I know the whole history of Hawaii.

I don't know why but Norway came there and I met him. He said he was magical. I loved magic. Stuff happened and he taught me magic.

It wasn't until recently that I found out who my parents were. I wasn't very surprised. That was also when Norway taught me how to talk to people telepathically. I decided to play around with Japan a bit. I didn't think he would go insane.

As for America. Haha! He thought I was ghost! He ended up punching and kicking the air. It was one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

Now here I am. And I absolutely love it!

Japan's POV

I guess I need to get used to having Evan around. And I guess we're going to have to announce his presence to the world. I can already feel the scolding I'm going to get from China. Just thinking about that sends a shudder down my spine.

Anyway, Prussia finished cleaning. He stuck around just to mess around. Now here we are. Sitting on the couch watching TV. They clearly didn't understand what was going on but the "weirdness" kept them occupied. Eventually, Prussia left. Now it was just Evan and I sitting around eating food. It was nice and quiet. So far this was a good day.

Then America woke up.

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