Calling Big Brother China

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I bet China has answers. He can be wise when he's not making fun of other countries with Russia. A ship I like to call soft communism. Anyway, I called him.

"您好?" (Google translate is so great)

"I need you help."

"Aiyah! I'll be there in a second." He hung up. A literal second later there was a knock at the door. When I answered, there stood China with a pickle in his hand. I decided not to ask. "What's wrong 日本? Are you sick? You're sick aren't you! Oh no! You're going to die!" By this point he was grabbing my shoulders and his face was about a few centimeters from mine.

"No." I answered. He instantly relaxed.

"Well what was so important that you called me?" He asked. I sighed.

"It's going to take a while to explain so please, come in." He stepped in. "Also why do you have a pickle?"

"Oh this, he can talk! It's so cute!" He held out the pickle. Suddenly, a face appeared and a tiny Hello was heard then some yodeling. I have several questions. It's best I don't ask them. (You're welcome)


"I'm going to kill him!" This is exactly how I thought he would react.

"Please don't."

"Do you like him or something?"

"What! No!"

"Your face says otherwise."

"Yeah, well, what about you and Russia."

"Shut up."

"So you do like him."

"I told you to shutup."

He gave a look as if he was giving me a final warning. I kept my straight face. We were having intense staring contest.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Who could that be? We broke the contest so I could answer the door. When I opened the door it was none other than America and Russia. What a coincidence! That was also when I realized something. The extra string America had, led to me.

Thanks brain for making me notice that now.  Especially at the worst moment possible.

China came walked over to see who it was and when he did, about three emotions swept through his face. Ending on a painful looking smile.

There was an awkward silence until I slammed the door shut in their faces.

"Well that was rude." China said. Five minutes of knocking later I finally answered the door.

"What?" I asked trying to keep my composure.

"I came to talk to you, while Russia over here...I actually don't know why he's here." America answered. We both looked at Russia. He had his creepy smile.

"I came here for China." He then said. I grabbed China and pulled him outside. They then left. With China yelling help. Soft communism everybody! Wait, who am I talking to?

Anyway, America and I stood there, awkwardly.



Sorry it took me a bit long, school started ;-; it's not fun especially when you have gym as your first class ;-;

I promise the next chapter will be up soon for now I'm going to go procrastinate

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