Stuff Happens

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First imagine Romano with long hair. HOT DAMN HE LOOKS GOOD

Okay you can read now
I excused myself for a moment and went upstairs to my room. Once there, I screamed into a pillow and went back downstairs. He was sitting there on the couch looking a bit tense. He seemed to be mumbling about something.

I seemed to have interrupted that. He seemed quite nervous which actually really weird. He was only nervous when we would watch those bad horror movies.

"Um...hey Japan" he laughed nervously. I fear the end is near.

"Hello, so what did you want to talk about?" No I didn't forget about what happened earlier. Not at all. Never. Help.

" see....uh......" He stuttered. Wait! I know where this is leading. It's just like in fanfiction the one stutters and then stutters more and then stuff happens. He keeps stuttering so that's phase one. More stuttering. "Fuck!" Eventual swear out of frustration. And- "Screw it!"

He grabbed my face and shoved his lips onto mine. I didn't even have time to process it. My mind went blank.




Okay he's got it!

He pulled away.

Oh wait no he didn't give him a bit more time


Okay there it is

Realization struck me like a brick. Then an actual brick hit me in the head. Then I saw China come in. I could hear a string of apologies from him. I picked up the brick and hit him in the head with it causing him to go silent and fall to the ground almost screaming in pain.

Judging by how America looked, I could tell he was quite scared. I was quite angry because I was hit with a brick! I started to feel lightheaded. Eventually, the pain won over me and I passed out.

Yes I did just write that but wait there's more!

When I woke up I was back in my room. I felt a huge pain on my head. Then I remembered the thing with the brick. I also remembered the kiss and I blushed a bit at that. I had so many questions about that. I went to the living room only to find China and America awkwardly sitting there.

Just out of the slightest bit of anger I had left I gave China a nice smack in the head. (Pretend the dialog between Japan and China is in Chinese and Japanese because I have a head canons that they can understand each other's languages)

"What was that for?!"

"You know why."
He became quiet at my answer. "Now, why did you hit me with a brick?"

"I saw what happened."

"How did you get away from Russia?"

"Oh, I told him I wanted to hit America with a brick."
I sighed.

"Please leave." He nodded in response and left. I turned to America to talk but the phone rang. Am I in a fanfiction or something? I answered the phone and it was Italy. He was talking so fast I didn't even understand him.

"Slow down I can't understand you."


"What?! The the team together as soon as possible, I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Okay!" He hung up. What am I supposed to do about America?
So what should Japan do?

I'm laughing so much right now

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