Explainations (sorta)

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"Let me explain a bit." We just nodded. "When you did the frick frackle, stuff happened and I was born. Sorta. You know what, everything is really complicated."

"Ya think?" There heavy sarcasm in America's voice.

"Just know, I'm Hawaii, well, sorta."

"That actually makes sense."

"Also, Mom can I talk to you in private for a moment." He was referring to me. The dimwit over here started to laugh but I gave a glare. We went to kitchen. "The red string thing I have to explain."

"Okay." That's all I could really say.

"The strings no matter what color all have connection. I won't get into that now but you're special because you had the first type of strings. It's not that they change around, it's that you're changing them around to what you find best. You're like the master of love. Anyway, the same goes for anyone else that has the strings. You guys have the power to change fate." He paused and let me process the information. "Also, whoever has the power can only see them when it's pointed out to them. Which is weird but whatever. Logic. Also I have some strings too! I can see who is relate to who."

"Thank you." Again I was still surprised. "How do you know all this?"

"An old lady."

"Of course." Went back to the living room. This is going to be a long night.


I called an emergency group meeting. They were all here in an hour. First one here was Italy. He squealed when he saw Evan. My ears started to hurt. Next was Hungary who squeal even louder. I think my ears started to bleed. Then Finland came and again my ears hurt. When Canada came, my ears could finally rest. That was until I explain who Evan was.

I think my ears stopped working. I think Canada just slapped America in the face. I'm grateful because it cause everyone to shutup. All I felt was pain.

"What the hell!"

"You deserve it." To be honest...he kind of did. "Okay, what's up with the kid?"

"He just showed up and was like 'Hey I'm your son!'!"

"Well why did you call us here?" Finland asked.

"He knows about the strings."

"Correct! I was that voice!"

"How did you even do that?"

"A magician never reveals his secret." I did the only thing I could to really get an answer. I hit in the back of the head like an angry parent. "Alight fine! I did it with some magic. Norway taught me."

"That's what Norway's been doing? I need to go make a phone call." Finland seemed mad.

Fin's POV


"Hey Norway! I have a question."

"Ask away."

"Have you been teaching a kid magic?"

"Yeah why?"

"What was the kid's name?"


"When I get home I'm going to slap you."


"I found out who that kid is and he was messing with my head. Why did you even teach him?"

"I was happy someone wanted to learn magic. Icey just walks out of the room when I ask him."

"I guess that makes sense."

"So who exactly is he?"

"I'll tell you later after I slap you."

"Wait you're really going to do that-"

"Yes now bye~!" I hung up. That little SH-

Oh a magical time! Another chapter! Finland is going to unleash his full rage on poor Norway. Rip

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