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Woah another chapter! What a magical day! Seriously tho this time you get to find out who the voice is. Trust me!

I woke up to someone knocking on the door. I looked at the time.

3:47 am

Who would be knocking at this hour? I got up an answered. I was surprised to see it was America looking like he just got out of bed.

"Can I pet your dog?"


"I just wanted to know what the fur felt like."

"Uh...okay?" I whistled to get Pochi's attention. Out she came. I picked her up and let America pet her.

"Okay. Thank!" Off he went. That was strange. I went back to my spot. Then someone knocked on the door again. I swear if it's America aga—who is this?

"Uh...herro?" It was a boy about half my height. He was blond, glasses, dark brown eyes...He looked familiar but I couldn't think of how.

"Hi! I'm Evan!"

"Why are you here, Evan?"

"I came to talk to you!"

"Are you sure?"


I let him in. I was just really confused. Who is this kid?

"Wow, this place is a mess! Not what it usually is." How does he kn–WHAT IS GOING ON?! He turned to me. "I know you're confused, just sit down and let me explain."

"Okay?" I sat down. He made a triumphant pose like America.

"You know that voice in your head?" I nodded. "Yeah, that was me." I felt my jaw drop, but I immediately returned it. "I was right! The look on your face is so much better than I expected! Anyway, do you have anymore questions?" How about what the hell? Or why?

"Who are you exactly?" He grew all shy.

"Oh...um...how do I explain this in the simplest way possible? Hmm..." There was a silence. Until he suddenly spoke up again. "Okay got it!"


"It's nice to see ya mom!"



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I got up and called America.

"Hey Japan!"

"I need you to get here as soon as possible."

"Uh...okay." He hung up.

"What do you mean mom?" I asked Evan.

"I'll explain it when dad gets here."
What? There was a knock at the door and there was an out of breath America. I let him in.

"Why did you called me here?" America  questioned. I simply pointed at Evan.

"Sup dad!"


"I guess I should explain now. I'm your son. Kinda. It's a little complicated, but overall I'm your son!"

"What?!" We both yelled. He just nodded as if he expecting it.

"Yep!" I have a lot of questions. The most important one being. WHAT THE F-

Bet ya didn't expect that! More will be explain! For now I'm going to go scream in my pillow.

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