Halloween Special: If He Stays

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This is mostly flashback and I'll have the other option up later today NOW LETS GET ON WITH THE STORY!
I'll stay. Now what to do first?


"Yes, there are stars in your eyes."



"That's weird, I don't remember ever seei-oooh now I remember." I stared at him to give me an answer. "Remember how my glasses represent Texas?"


"Well there's this saying about Texas and if goes like this...um...'The stars burn big and bright deep in the heart of Texas' so those represent that."


"Well of course...for you see..." He better not. "I'm the hero!" All I could do was sigh. Every time. "C'mon don't be like that!"

"I will stop when you stop saying that you're the hero."

"You know that day will never come."


I smirked.

Time skip

"What do you mean you're boring?!" I regret saying that. Then again I did have a few drinks, so I'm probably just a bit drunk.

"I just don't see anything special about me." I responded.

"Dude, I could point out a few reasons why you are amazing!"

"Fine then, tell me five things that make me special."

"Okay." He thought for a moment. A very long moment. Just as I thought! Nothing! "Got it!"


"...The first thing is your eyes, even though they seem expressionless I can tell there is expression in them. The color of your eyes are not bland because their color makes them shine a lot more." All that from my eyes? "The second thing is your curiosity, even thought you're old you are somewhat new to this world. You're curious about learning knew things and in a way you teach the world a few things. The third thing is your culture, your culture influences most of the world including me. The fourth thing is...is your awesome combat skills, I swear I once saw you cut a tree in half with a sword!" That's exaggerated but okay.

"And fifth thing?"

"The fifth thing is just you in general it's hard to even describe how amazing you are!"

Time skip

"What is this conversation even turning into?" I asked confused.

"I don't know dude, but it's fun."

"I guess."

"Oh! I have a fun question!"

"Okay." I looked at him, waiting for the question.

"Wanna make out?"


"Alright sorry...so was that a no or..."
I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Fine." I basically mumbled.

"Wait really?!" All I could do was nod out, I was so embarrassed. Next thing I knew, he shoved his face onto mine.

Back to the future

Hold on I have to process what just happened. To recap. I was walking around when suddenly I fell to the ground and huge weight is on top of me. I can only think of two possibilities. Someone tackled me or a piano fell on me. I'm leaning towards the piano thing.

Few minutes later

Never mind it was just America who tackled me. Asshole. Anyway, I have to help him get the others out of his house. I can already tell this is going to be hard.

An hour later

Well I'm right back where I started. On the roof. This time is because I'm hiding from quite a few other countries for waking them up.

"Hey Japan~!" I heard from behind me. They found me!

I'll see you all in hell!


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