Time to Think

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"Wow Japan, you can get kinky when you want to. Also, I brought you food!" I'm just going to ignore that first part. He set a plate on my lap. What was on that plate actually baffled me. It was two pancakes. It's not that I find it weird, well actually I kind of do, it's just something I didn't expect. The part I did expect was the huge amount of syrup and whipped cream that was on the pancakes. As expected.

How does he eat so much sugar? This looks like diabetes on a pancake. A pancake. I still ate it because I didn't want him to feel bad.

The rest of the morning went by very uncomfortably. By that I mean that America was making very suggestive comments almost every other sentence.  I'll just say that it was very frustrating. Especially, when I had to get ready to go somewhere.

"Where're you going?"

"Something important, so you can leave or you can stay but you can't come with me."

"Why not?"

"Because it doesn't relate to your country." With that I left the house to my destination.

Where was I going? Where I can clear my mind. Basically a few miles away from here. I don't really want to socialize at the moment. It's going to be one of those days.

Time skip

I finally arrived to my destination. It was a small stream that lead to a small decorated area with a small bench. I liked it here because it reminded me of the old days. It's actually hard to believe it's been thousands of years.

Life really does go by in the blink of an eye. One second you're at a high point and you love how things are going. Then suddenly the world pushes you to open up. Although I love new things, I just can't help but look at the past. There's a lot I can look back on unlike younger countries like America; who only have a few hundred years to look back on.

I kind of regret spending a lot of my time just relaxing, but that's all I could do. My country as at piece for a really long time. Then a few things happened and America came to me saying that I should open up to the world.


He is odd. An abnormality almost. Others might call me mysterious by the fact that I'm old. America, on the hand, actually has a lot we don't really know about him. A lot of things were lost to history. Just his over all personality is kind of weird. He's happy all the time but there are his sad points. When those happen, it's best not be around.

Even now, I'm still learning things about him. I'm still questioning a lot of things. Like that thing with the string. I still need to figure that out. I have so many questions about it. Sadly, there's no one I can ask.

These strings are so frustrating. Constantly changing and such . It's annoying. At least I get to enjoy people figure out who the one for them is while already know. For me everyone else falling in love is like a game of hide and go seek. I guess the world wanted me to experience that too.

Yeah I'm not going to address the fact that I did it with America. Why? Because now isn't the time for that.

What I will address is that diabetes on a plate he likes to call food. How does he eat that!

Oh filler chapters aren't they just great
Also the story is going to end soon  and when I say soon I mean about 5 more chapters
I'm planning on building it up into a big sort of dramatic ending
It's gonna be good~!

Red Stringsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें