Chapter 25 - The End

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A/n: Trigger warning, my loves!! I'm apologizing in advance for this chapter... I'm so sorry.

I just want to say now: Thank you all so so so much for reading and for the constant support on this fic. All your comments and little ideas and votes mean the absolute world to me, and I mean that.

My (hopefully) surprising plot twist will be in the epilogue that will be coming on Friday, so keep your eyes peeled for that!!

(P.s After your finished reading, let me know if you'd like an alternate ending as well. If ya'll do I'll be posting it sometime after the epiloge :) )


Runaways: Day 6 Cont.

* * *

"Oh my God." Stiles whispered out, thumb running over the smoothness of the cardboard.

He read pregnancy test over and over, unbelieving the words printed on the box in pink writing.

"You think... Are you..." He couldn't string together a proper sentence, too much at a loss for words to say anything.

(Y/n) finally lifted her head just as Stiles tore his gaze from the box to look at her. She shrugged halfheartedly, taking the box from Stiles, "I'm not sure if I am or not just yet. I have to wait a while before I can actually use one but last night... There's a pretty high chance of me being so."

The sudden sound of police sirens rang though the area, piecing their ears and changing the mood of the room in an instant. Stiles cursed under his breath, striding over to the window and pulling back the curtain to look out at the parking lot.

Three police cars were parked, flashing red and blue lights casting their hues into their hotel rooms. Police men were scattered around the area, some he could see walking into the reception.

Stiles hurried over to where his duffle bag was resting on the ground by his side of the bed, ripping it open and rummaging inside.

It was time.

He pulled a gun out of the duffle bag, and (Y/n) had to do a double take because where on earth did he get that from?

In the shock of it all, she failed to see him pull out a second gun. She only realized he had another when he'd shoved it into her hand. It was heavy in her grip, the cool metal sending a shiver down her spine as she stared at it.

"Stiles," She gasped out, head flicking up to meet his gaze. "Why do you have these? What's going on? What are we-"

"Shh," He whispered out, striding over to her quickly while letting his free hand come up to cup her jaw. "You love me, yeah?"

She nodded, and Stiles smiled.

"And you'd do anything for me?"

She nodded again, and she couldn't stop her heart from racing.

"Good. I love you too, my love, so much; and I need to you realize and keep that in mind for a second," He hesitated for a moment, testing the words in his mind before he allowed himself to say them. "Those police out there? They're here to take me away for good this time. When I first started killing, I didn't care what they did to me if they ever caught me because back then I had nothing to lose. I was reckless and foolish but now... Now I actually could have had a future with you, with that possible baby in that stomach of yours. I have something to lose now, my love, and I don't want you to waste your life away visiting me in prison and living a life wishing things were different."

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