Chapter 14

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A/n: Parts in italics are flash backs hes having in his dreams :)

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Stiles tossed and turned in his bed, mind foggy with distraught memories and cloudy images of his mother and himself. He was trapped in a series of dreams, a never ending cycle of a road he never wanted to travel again.

"Stiles!" His mother called, but he didn't listen. He wanted to stay in the back yard and continue to squash bugs with a stone. His mother called again, he continued to ignore.

Just as he was about to put an ant to its death, a hand curled around the collar of his shirt and tugged him forcefully away from where he was crouching and onto his feet. He was spun around to face his mother, her eye brows furrowed and face pulled into an angry expression.

Before Stiles had the chance to fully understand what was going on, his mothers flat palm was colliding with his cheek.

"You will listen to me when I call for you, you hear me?"

All Stiles could do was nod at the woman, teary eyes not daring to meet hers. She dropped her hold on his shirt, turning on her heels and walking away from him. His hand moved to gently place itself over the painful area, sobs escaping his lips.

Why did his mommy hurt him?

Stiles let out a whimper, sweat beading on his forehead while his eyebrows furrowed in his restless sleep. His feet kicked at the duvet, pushing it down to the bottom of his bed and it falling to the floor.

He tossed and turned, wishing for the awful memories in dream form to stop.

"Why don't you want to play with other kids, Stiles?" His mother hissed, hands on her hips as she towered over him. "I took the time to bring you to the park and all you do is sit there in the sand and play by yourself."

Stiles' little eyebrows furrowed as he glanced down at his lap where his hands were buried underneath the white sand. He didn't think playing by himself was a bad thing.

"You're so unsociable," His mother sighed, taking his upper arm in her grip and tugging him away from his spot in the sand. He let out a slight whimper, the grip she had on his arm much too tight, but his mother chose to ignore him. "If you aren't going to play with other kids, you might as well stay at home. God, I don't even know why I bother with you."

She shoved him into the passenger side of her car, slamming the door shut and making her way over to the drivers side and starting the car.

If only she had given him just that little bit more of attention, she would have realized that he was in fact playing with another kid. Her name was Brittany, Stiles remembers, and she had only left him for a moment to go get a drink. Stiles promised her he'd stay where he was until she got back. He broke his promise.

As they drove away, he placed his little hands on the window, tears welling in his eyes as he caught sight of Brittany looking around the playground for him.

He didn't even get to say good bye.

(Y/n) woke to the sound of Stiles mumbling in his sleep.

She pushed herself up from her position on his bedroom floor, where he kept her still chained and on the old mattress in a corner of his room, and glanced over at the boy. He began to whimper, as if he were having a nightmare.

She wanted to wake him, but her mother had always told her not to wake someone when they were having a nightmare. And besides, it wasn't like she could get up and walk over to him to wake him.

She decides to wait it out and hopes he wakes up soon.

"Have you done your homework, Stiles?" His father asked him, Stiles nodded.

"Have you done your chores?" His mother taunted, he nodded again.

"What about the back yard? Have you cleaned up your things?"

Stiles' stomach dropped, a lump growing in his throat when he realized he'd forgotten to clean up his toy cars he was playing with earlier. He was in trouble.

With his head dropped, he shook his head no while his eyes filled with tears, "B-But I'll go do it now, okay? I'll-I'll go clean them up now-"

"I don't want you to do it now," His mother hissed. "I asked you to do it hours ago, and you chose to ignore me. I want you to go to your room, Stiles. Now."

Stiles' eyes went wide as he shook his head, "I'm sorry, mommy, promise I'll be good next time, I'll pick them up! Just please, please don't send me to my room! Its lonely in there and it makes me sad-"

"Shut up," She shouted, and Stiles winced. "Go to your room! God, I wish you were never born!"

Stiles woke with a gasp, heart pounding in his chest as he pushed himself up from his pillow and into a sitting position. He rubbed his hands over his face, ridding it of the sweat that had collected there.

He glanced over to see (Y/n) sitting up against the wall, worried eyes watching him.

"I'm okay." He reassured, but she didn't look so convinced.

"Sounded like you were having a really bad dream," She mumbled. "You want to talk about it?"

Stiles shook his head, eyes shutting at the thought of his dreams, "Definitely not. I'm okay, don't worry."

He settled back onto his pillow, arms crossed over his chest while he stared up at the ceiling, trying to will himself back to sleep, but he knew there was no getting back to sleep now. Not after having to relive those memories.

"Did you want a hug?" (Y/n) voiced suddenly, and Stiles turned to her with furrowed eyebrows. She laughed gently at his expression, "Just a thought. My mum used to give me hugs after I had bad dreams, used to make me feel better."

Stiles almost said no, but the more he thought about it, the more appealing the offer started to sound. After debating over it for a moment, he finally nodded. "You know what? Sure, I'll take you up on that offer."

She sent him a toothy grin while he pushed himself out of his bed and shuffled over to the girl. She threw her arms out, allowing Stiles to wrap his arms around her waist.

Stiles still couldn't wrap his head around why she was so... okay, being around him knowing that he'd kidnapped her, but he couldn't bring himself to care too much, because when her arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him to her, he's never felt more safe.

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