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It started out as little things.

Things like killing bugs with stones or pressing on a harsh bruise to his hearts content. (Y/n) didn't question her son's behavior, thinking it was simply something that all six year old's did at that age, but as he got older, it seems that his habits grew with him.

When he was around the age of ten or eleven, she got a call from his school informing her that he had hit another student.

She was astounded that her little boy had done such a thing, but nevertheless she drove to the school and picked up her boy, apologizing to the principal and the mother of the other student a million times before they left.

When they got home she asked him as to why he had done such a terrible thing, and he simply shrugged and whispered "Because I like doing it." before he was rushing to his room.

He returned to school a week later, after she'd had a stern talk to him, and no other incidents had happened until he hit high school.

The boy had Stiles' old pocket knife, the one that Stiles had given to (Y/n) before he died, and had somehow managed to sneak it into school. During P.E he had pulled it on a girl when the teacher wasn't looking.

Thankfully, he hadn't harmed the girl in anyway, only threatened her. Needless to say, (Y/n) had to find her son a new school after that day.

By tenth grade any sign of the boy who hurt other kids had suddenly vanished, leaving a boy who helped wash the dishes and vacuumed the house and never stayed out passed his bedtime.

(Y/n) thought his past was well behind him, and maybe they could finally live a drama free life, and he had her thinking this for another three more years. By the age of eighteen, the seemingly harmless boy she once thought he had become grew up into someone almost too much like his father.

Into a killer.

* * *

A/n: Aaaaand that's it!!

I hope my ending lived up to ya'll's expectations, and that you liked it! Sorry it was short.

Just to explain a little: Psychopathy can be passed down in generations, and it would seem that (Y/n) and Stiles' son had inherited Stiles' wonderful trait of psychopathy.

And on that note, thank you all so much for reading (and getting this fic to almost 20k reads oh my god I cannot believe it) and yeah, bye! xx

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