Chapter 3

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A/n: This chapter has season 5 spoilers, so this is your warning.

Just wanted to say a little thank you to you guys for already getting this fic to 1k reads and this is only its second actual chapter. That's literally insane, thank you.

Fun fact: I listen to really catchy and happy songs when I write chapters for this fic. Makes sense right? Hm.

Enjoy x

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"I don't know how much longer I can do this for you, Stiles."

Stiles looked at his Dad from across the room, trying to figure out if he was being serious or not. When his Dad gave him a completely neutral look in return, he sighed and looked back down at the floor again. He was currently cleaning up his mess, scrubbing blood from the floor with an old sponge while trying to ignore his Dad's piercing gaze.

"I'm serious, Stiles. I cant keep covering up your tracks for you, redirecting any suspicion anyone might have on you. I'm the sheriff of this town, I risk my job when I tamper with evidence! What am I supposed to say when someone catches me? That its my son who is kidnapping girls and murdering them in my basement!?"

"No ones going to catch you." He hissed, tossing the sponge into a bucket of now red water that sat beside him.

"You can't be sure of that! Someones bound to catch me eventually."

"Well make sure they don't!" Stiles shouts, pulling himself up onto his feet. He picked up the bucket, placing it up onto the counter before moving to the body that was still in his house, wrapped up in bed sheets. "Now, if you don't mind I have something to do. Unless you'd rather the body start smelling out the house."

His Dad let out a grumble in response, crossing his arms over his chest before disappearing back upstairs.

Stiles gathered the wrapped up body into his arms, cradling it to his chest while he walked back upstairs again, passing his Dad in the lounge room and pushing the door to the garage open. He managed to tug the back door to his car open, shoving the body onto the back seat before shutting it again.

He probably should have put a tarp on the backseat, to save the seats if the blood made its way through the blankets, but it was too late to be fussing around now. He was on a tight schedule, now was not the time to be worrying about his poor car seats.

He climbed into the drivers seat, starting up the engine before pulling out of his drive way and toward his desired destination.

Stiles had been driving for a total of thirty minutes before he finally pulled up to a deserted lake. He parked the car by the edge, hopping out before moving to get Courtney's body from the back seat. He placed her onto the ground then proceeded to pull eight cement bricks that were sat on the floor in the back.

He had tied rope to each of them earlier, halving the time he would have wasted it he were to do it now. He moved to Courtney's body, securing each end of all eight pieces of rope to parts of her body. After he was sure everything was tied down securely, he reached into his pants pocket and pulled out his pocket knife.

Stiles flipped the blade up then partially unwrapped Courtney's body so he could take a hold of her arm. He rested the limb against his knee, turning it over so he had access to her wrist.

He brought his pocket knife to the skin on her wrist, pressing the tip of the blade into the flesh as he carved his signature mark into her wrist. A smiley face now marked her as his.

He wiped the blood off of the blade before slipping it closed again and shoving the knife back into his pocket. He wrapped her arm back in the heap of blankets before finally beginning to push her into the water, walking the body into the lake until he was waist deep in water.

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