Chapter 8

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Its been a month since he claimed her as his victim, and he's getting weak. 

He's never held a victim for such a long amount of time, nor has he ever bothered with the amount of care he was giving to the girl. He usually killed within twenty-four hours of taking them in, but he's held this girl for one whole month. 

She was officially reported missing last week. According to his father, her distressed parents had stumbled into the station while claiming that their daughter had been kidnapped. Sheriff had added her to the list, all the while knowing that she was being held captive in the basement in his own home. 

Stiles was currently fixing her breakfast. Nothing special, just a simple bowl of cereal. Once he had poured the milk into the bowl, he dropped a spoon in before carrying the breakfast down into the basement. 

During the month she had been with him, he had brought an old mattress down into the basement so she was somewhat comfortable. He kept her contained by the ankle with chains that were locked into the brick wall, so she definitely wasn't going anywhere. 

He hated the fact that he couldn't harm her like all the others, and he just really wished there was something he could do to show her that he wasn't always like this. He just needed to figure out how. 

When Stiles entered the basement, she was already awake and sitting up against the wall while her hand rubbed at the area where the chain met the skin on her ankle. Her head snapped up when he coughed slightly, and she began to eye the bowl in his hands. 

"Brought you breakfast," He muttered, shuffling over to the girl before handing the bowl over. She took it from him with shaking hands, eyeing the cereal before taking the spoon and moving the soggy contents around. 

While she ate, Stiles moved to the back of the room where his journal sat, open and ready for him to read. He's been studying a new girl. One he knows he'll actually be able to harm without feeling bad about it, without getting that funny feeling in the pit of his stomach. 

Her name was Beth, and today was the day he planned to claim her as one of his victims. Today was the day he would show (Y/n) that he wasn't as weak as she thought he was. It wouldn't take much. She was quite the petite girl, Stiles shouldn't have any trouble with capturing her. 

He shut his journal, making his way back over to (Y/n), "I'm going out today. I don't want any funny business, you hear? I'm taping up your mouth, for my own safety. I'll be home within the hour." 

She simply stared back at him while he tugged the bowl away from her then placed the single piece of tape across her lips. He tied her hands up, making sure that she couldn't remove the tape and draw attention to herself. 

Her wide eyes looked up at him with slight fear glistening in them, but only for the briefest moment. They soon returned to the chain on her leg, and Stiles decided to make his decent. 


It was over an hour later when Stiles returned to the house, Beth lying motionless in his arms while he carried her through the house. 

She'd put up a grand fight while Stiles was trying to tape up her hands, and it had all resulted in Stiles hitting her over the head. She'd passed out, but at least it made Stiles' job easier. 

(Y/n) heard Stiles trudging around upstairs, and her heartbeat immediately picked up when she heard the basement door being opened. Stiles made his way downstairs, Beth held tightly in his arms. 

(Y/n)'s eyes went wide as Stiles walked into the room with the girl in his arms. He trudged over to the chair that sat in the middle of the room, and let Beth's body fall into it. Once he secured her arms to the chair, he then walked over to (Y/n). 

He ripped the tape from her mouth, and her eyes immediately started to water. 

"W-What's going on?" She whispered, eyes locked on Beth's body. 

"You'll shut the hell up or I'll tape your mouth again," He hisses, roughly grabbing her face so she was looking at him. She nodded gently, then watched as he stalked over to where he kept his knives set out on the bench, grabbing the first one his eyes laid upon. 

He walked back over to the two girls, pointing the knife at (Y/n), "I'm not as weak as you think I am." 

He turns to Beth, grabbing a fistful of her hair just as she began to wake again. He brings the knife to Beth's neck, holding it hard against the skin there. (Y/n) stares on in fear and swallows hard when Stiles turns back to her. 

"You watching, gorgeous?" He taunts, and (Y/n) could feel her stomach drop at his words. She wanted to look away, not wishing to see this boy actually kill someone, but her wide and teary eyes were glued on the scene unfolding in front of her. 

Before she even had time to think about doing anything Stiles was pressing the knife hard into Beth's skin, slicing it sideways. 

It was too late. 

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