Chapter 13

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A/n: Updating for the second time tonight! I'm on a writing binge. This chapter is intense, and I really love it. 

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(Y/n) Stood outside the sheriff station, eyes skimming over the building. 

It was dark now, as she'd spent the whole day at a park sitting on a swing and thinking hard about what she was going to do. 

This is for Stiles. 

With a deep breath, her feet slowly began to take her closer and closer to the front entry. She stopped by the door, her feet suddenly feeling like they were glued to the ground. 

She stood in uncertainty, suddenly beginning to second guess her decisions. 

"This doesn't feel right." She muttered to herself, hands coming up to rub her face. Stiles needed help, but she couldn't bring herself to walk into the sheriff station. 

Sighing in defeat, she made her way over to a tree by the station. She leaned up against it, head resting against the rough bark and let her eyes slip shut.

Only now was she realizing how cold she was. 

She was dressed in only a tank top and shorts, neither items of clothing shielding her from the cold nights air. She didn't have any shoes either, her feet probably now bruised from all the running she'd done earlier. 

She could have just waited out until morning, maybe then she could find her way back home and pretend like this never happened. Lie to her parents and say she'd gotten lost on her way out of town and managed to find a way back into Beacon Hills. 

If only she could have just went into the God damn sheriff station. This whole ordeal could have been over within minutes. She'd have all the evidence she'd need to put him in prison, but the more she thought about it, the less it appealed to her. 

She cared about Stiles, and she couldn't just stand back and let him go to prison. 

She cared about Stiles. 

Being able to admit that to herself scared her. She cared about her kidnapper. What kind of crazy person cares about someone who rips them from their old lives? 

(Y/n) found herself shaking her head, finally realizing what she had to do. 

"I cant believe I'm doing this." She muttered before she began to run again.  

This time, back to Stiles' house. 

Maybe, she was crazy. Anyone who had been kidnapped and held against their own will wouldn't want to return to where they'd been kept, but she needed to see Stiles. 

She cared about him. 


"Where the hell is she!?" Stiles hollard, voice echoing throughout the basement and carrying up and into the house. 

He frantically searched the basement, under every table and in every possible hiding place, but she was no where to be found. 

He sucked in a sharp breath, heading for the stairs where he ran up them, bursting through the basement door and heading into the lounge room where he knew his Dad would be. 

"Where's (Y/n)?" He shouted, and his father didn't even flinch. 

"I let her go." Was his simple answer, his shoulders shrugging halfheartedly. 

"You what?" Stiles gaped at his father, furious and in complete disbelief. His fathers eyes never left the TV, it only infuriating Stiles more. "I cant believe you'd do something like this." 

"You cant believe I'd do this?" His father finally looked at him and laughed pitifully. "I don't agree with anything you've done, Stiles, but keeping a girl hostage in our basement? I think that's worse than you killing them. You're selfish, and I hate that I have to call you my son." 

"I'm the selfish one?" It was Stiles who let out a laugh this time. "Do you remember the day Mom died? The week afterwards? All you thought about was yourself, locked yourself up in your room day to day and left your son to fend for himself while he was grieving. You can't call me selfish when you're just as bad." 

Stiles turned to leave when his father suddenly spoke up again. 

"Your mother never loved you." 

He froze in his tracks, swallowing hard at his fathers words, "Yes, she did." 

"She made you think she did," His fathers words were slick with the satisfaction he was getting out of his conversation. "But it was all an act. You were a mistake, Stiles. We didn't want you, but we didn't have the heart to get an abortion. It was petty love you received from your mother for the little time you had with her, and its petty love you're receiving from me now." 

Stiles couldn't bring himself to fight back anymore. His fingers curled up into fists, tears rimming his eyes. He felt completely and utterly defeated, like the world was crumbling from underneath him, and he needed to get out. 

He ran out of the house, scooping up his car keys as he went, going to unlock his car when he suddenly spotted a figure in the darkness. He squinted into the dark, taking a step forward just as the figure did. 

(Y/n) emerged from the darkness, and he felt his mouth run dry. Her eyes locked with his, and he swore that he felt sparks erupt in his stomach. 

Her eyes felt like home, made him feel like he was standing on solid ground again for a split second before his fathers words circulated his mind again and it was like it was all collapsing again. 

The tears filled his eyes again, and she must have seen them because a flash of worry over came her features and she'd begun to make her way over to him. One of her small hands brought itself to cup his cheek, and in the innocent motion Stiles felt himself collapse. 

He fell to the ground, tears freely flowing from his eyes as he cried out into the night. 

And this girl, the girl he had kidnapped and held against her will, simply brought his broken self into her arms, holding him securely to her chest while she cooed soothing words into his ear. 

He'd finally cracked. 

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