Chapter 5

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A/n: The lovely mylifeline15 created the coolest trailer for this story, so I thought I'd share it with you all! Its super awesome and I've never had someone do something like this for me so its really exciting aha. 

Anyways, lets get on with the story shall we?

* * * 

To whom it may concern, 

Everything is not as it seems. 

I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry I wasn't a better daughter, friend, all around general human being. I wasn't happy. I haven't been for a long time now, and I needed a way to get away from the idea of living for a little while. 

I'd spent much too long faking smiles and laughing at things that weren't even remotely funny. My eyes don't light up anymore, instead they stay a dull colour that could only be described as tiredness. I'm tried of living. boxed myself up in a door-less room where the walls were caked in insecurities and muck that made me feel sick. 

I'm not dead, simply missing. On a journey to find myself. Walking never ending roads until my feet hurt and finding places that make me feel like I actually belong somewhere. 

Please don't blame yourselves, Mum and Dad. I loved you guys, I still love you guys, but you were suffocating me. I wasn't into the lifestyle you two are stuck in. I don't care for expensive jewelry and caked on makeup that is so thick I look like a completely different person when I take it off each night. I don't care for the fancy dinner parties, the graceful dresses and high heels. 

I care more for a spontaneous life, order-less and carefree. I'm sorry Mum but I'm just not the princess you always wanted me to be. I love getting my hands dirty, eating from dodgy looking diners at 3AM and stuffing around with boys who's names I wont remember the next morning. 

I don't belong here, so I've set off to try and find my forever place. 

This is all that is going to be left of me, so you can do whatever you want with it. Cherish it as the last of me, or chuck it away. I don't care; but don't you dare try to come and find me. 

- Brittany. 


Sheriff paced around in the lounge room, awaiting the time his son would enter through the front door. It had been hours since he had last seen Stiles, but he was no doubt off messing around at the hardware store or plotting who to kill next. 

He was still trying to wrap his head around Brittany's letter; the fact that she wasn't actually dead, she'd just run away. 

It must have been planned between Stiles and herself, to make it seem as though Stiles had killed her when in real fact, he was just helping her get away from everything. Stiles had always said he'd protect her, and this was just his way to do so. 

The door suddenly swung open, Stiles stepping through whilst he rubbed something off of his knuckles with an old piece of cloth. He stopped when he noticed his Dad standing in the lounge room and raised his eyebrows at the man, "You found Brittany's letter." 

Stilinski glanced down at the paper in his hand before returning his gaze to his son, "She's not dead?" 

Stiles dropped his hands to his sides, shaking his head, "Not a scratch on her body. I cant believe you even thought I'd kill her. Who do you think I am?" 

"Someone I never thought you'd become," His dad hissed, gripping impossibly tighter on the letter. "Sometimes I'm ashamed to call you my son." 

"Well that's just unfortunate," Stiles cooed, laughing pitifully. "You're stuck with me, so get used to it." 

And with that, Stiles turned on his heels and began to walk back out of the house, realizing that he was better off somewhere else, rather than answering the stream of questions his father was sure he'd have for him. 

Stiles was in no position to be answering questions on Brittany's behalf. After all, he wasn't even completely sure where she had actually run off to. All he was to do was make it seem as though she was dead long enough for her to get away unnoticed. That's all they had agreed to. 

Stiles jumped back into his car, starting up the engine and pulling out of the driveway. He wasn't sure where he was going, and he didn't have another victim he had to get his hands on anytime soon, this drive was pointless. 

But maybe a pointless drive was what Stiles needed. Everyone needs a little alone time every now and then, even psychopathic killers. 


Stiles wasn't completely sure how long he had been driving, but before he knew it the sun had settled behind the hills, and he was driving among the darkness. He was travelling down a never ending stretch of road that seemed to go on for miles, and he had barely seen any other cars until he came to one that was parked on the side of the road, someone crouched down beside the front wheel. 

He pulled up behind the car, shutting off the ignition and pushing himself out of the car. 

"Are you okay?" He asked, and the stranger by the wheel jumped slightly before glancing up at Stiles. He was met with a girl, hair sticking to her face and grease covering her hands. She had soft features, and Stiles knew immediately that he wanted to get his hands on her.   

"Oh," She stood up, smiling slightly while wiping her hands on her jeans. "I think I've busted a tire, and I don't think I have a spare." 

Stiles smiled back at her, and took a step toward the beauty, "Where were you heading? I could probably give you a lift." 

"I was heading out of town," She glanced down at her car before looking back up at Stiles, "But now I'll probably head back into Beacon Hills now so I can get my tire replaced. It would be most appreciated if you could give me a lift, though." 

"'Course," He returned to the side of his car, pulling open the drivers side door, "I was heading back there anyway. Hop in." 

The girl flashed him a grateful smile before gathering up a bag from the back seat of her car and then locking it. She made her way over to Stiles' car, and without hesitation she jumped into the passenger side. 

When they both were buckled up Stiles started up the engine once again and the pair set off. The girl rested her head against the window of the door, watching the world pass by as Stiles drove. He clasped his hands tightly onto the steering wheel, returning his gaze to the road. 

He was thankful she completely disregarded the 'no getting into strangers cars' rule parents usually taught their children as soon as they could understand what that meant. She was bound to be asleep by the time they made it back into Beacon Hills, Stiles could tell by the way she struggled to keep her eyes open, so this would only make it easier to get her into the basement. 

But the thing was, whenever Stiles looked at her, he didn't get the same feeling he always did with his other victims. Usually, he had an overwhelming urge to inflict some sort of harm to them; but with this girl, it was something different. 

He couldn't quite describe it, the feeling, but whatever it was it was scaring him. And he defiantly didn't like it. 

* * * 

A/n: Some of the ideas you guys commented on the last chapter were actually really interesting, but none of you guessed that it was Brittany who wrote the letter! 

Also, we've finally been introduced to the main character! This is exciting, and I'm super excited to develop the story so so so much more now. Prepare yourself. I'm about to take you all on a crazy ride. 

Psychopath (Stiles AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ