Chapter 6

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A/n: Kinda midweek update because I didn't update on friday and I felt bad 

Also I'm going to use "(Y/n)" for the girls name because its easier ok bye 

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"We think we've got a new lead on who might be killing these girls." 

Sheriff's head whipped up from his desk in the station, glaring at one of his deputies standing in the door way. He urged him into his office with the wave of his hand, "What is it?" 

The deputy closed the door behind him, then spoke up, "We've noticed that from the two bodies that we've recovered, each of them has a smiley face carved into their wrists. It must be the killers signature mark." 

It was the killers signature mark alright. He knew about that lead well before today, and now that the other deputies knew about it too Stiles was going to have to step up his game if hes planning not to be caught anytime soon. 

"Good job," Sheriff nodded at his deputy, shuffling around with some papers to make it seem as though he was taking down the information. "I'll get the information out as soon as possible. Hopefully we're a step closer to catching this mad man." 

The deputy smiled at him, then turned in his heels and exited the room. Sheriff brought his elbows up to rest on the table while he stuffed his head into his hands, letting out a exasperated sigh. It was getting harder and harder to cover for his son, and this was just something that couldn't be tampered with. Nor could he make the other deputies forget about it. This was something Stiles was going to have to save himself from. 

Sheriff pulled out his phone, dialing Stiles' number. 

"What do you want, Dad?" 

"You're going to have to pick up your game," Sheriff mumbled. "Cause we just got a new lead on you." 

She awoke with a sudden and loud gasp. She began to try and bring her hands up to her face that ached slightly, but to no avail they were secured to the arms of the chair she was sitting in. Her heartbeat began to pick up when she felt the tape secure her mouth shut, not to mention the fact that she was in a strange room, surrounded by knives and mechanical equipment. 

Her body ached, and it was evident that whoever had put her in such a situation had hit her over the head at one point. Speaking of which, who had put her in here? 

She thought back to last night, and although it was hazy she could slightly remember her car breaking down, and the nice man who had helped her and driven her back into the city. Though it was evident that she didn't exactly make it back into the city. 

The door to the room she was in suddenly swung open, and the man from last night walked in with a smile on his face, "Good, you're awake! Sorry I kept you waiting, I was disposing of your vehicle. Cant have anyone knowing that you're missing, can we?" 

She struggled against her restraints as the man walked further into the room, over to where she sat in the middle. He circled her chair, her eyes following him as best as they could until he returned to stand in front of her again. 

"What should we do with you?" He cooed, taking a step closer and brushing the back of his hand across her cheek. She pulled away from the strangers touch, eyeing him as he shrugged and moved behind her. Stiles' fingers ghosted over his knives, trying to decide which one he was going to use to have some fun with her. 

He settled with a simple paring knife. 

He took it over to her before crouching down beside the chair on the left. He brought the blade to the skin on her lower arm, and pressed the end into it before swiping back slightly. 

As he made the first cut into her skin, she let out a whimper of pain and tried to pull away from the blade. Stiles retracted his hand, letting the blood pool out of the small cut. Tears slipped from her eyes, and for the first time since he started hurting people, Stiles actually felt bad. 

Psychopath (Stiles AU)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon