Chapter 16

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[Song: White Blood by Oh Wonder]

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"I think I'm in love with you."

(Y/n) slowly began to sit up, her eyes still wide as she tried to process what Stiles was telling her. She swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat, head beginning to shake from side to side, "You aren't in the right head space, Stiles. Y-Your angry at yourself. You just killed a girl. I-I think you need to sleep on it, make the decision when you've rested." 

Stiles' eyes were glazed over, body hunched forward tiredly as he nodded at the girl without thinking about her words too much. His mind was hazy, like smoke was clogging the area and stopping him from completely registering words. 

He took his pajama pants into his hands, lazily shuffling out of the room and into the bathroom. 

When (Y/n) heard the shower turn on, she finally allowed herself to release a breath she was holding. Her head fell back to rest against the wall, mind racing with thoughts of Stiles. 

Surely he didn't mean it. This man was a killer. He'd never be able to keep a girl alive for longer than a day. He should be incapable of love, not in love with a girl he's kidnapped and held for weeks. 

Then again, it wasn't like she was any better. 

She had the chance to escape, to turn him in and get him proper help, but threw it all away and went running back to the boy. Maybe, she was in love with him too. 

Minutes later, Stiles was walking back into the room, wet hair sticking up in different directions while his pajama pants hung loosely on his hips. He had a grey shirt over his torso, it stained with an unknown substance. 

He looked so innocent, so soft and caring as he shuffled across the room before collapsing onto his bed. He flipped the lamp by his bed off, casting darkness over the room as well as a comfortable silence. 

(Y/n) moved so she was lying on the mattress again, eyes watching her fingers as they smoothed down the creases on the sheet that covered the mattress. 

"I meant what I said before, you know," Stiles suddenly whispered, voice not daring to get any louder. He watched the shadows dance on his bedroom walls as he continued to speak, "I knew it from the moment I kidnapped you, you were something different. I hated the idea of someone hurting you, let alone myself. I've never felt more drawn to someone than I've felt toward you. I thought I was incapable of feeling such a way toward someone until I brought you into my life. Now, my mind is cloudy with thoughts of you, and only you. I've tried to deny it but I honestly don't think I can; I'm in love with you." 

"Why don't you let me go then?" She asked, moving so she could see his silhouette in the dark lying on his bed. "I won't tell anyone, the police, we could move pass all of this and then maybe things could progress."  

He was silent for a moment, thinking it over before he truthfully answered in a low voice, "I'm afraid that if I let you go, you won't come back." 

(Y/n) felt as though her heart physically shattered as she furrowed her eyebrows at the boy, sad eyes watching as his head lolled to the left to look back at her. The moon light shining in the window casted a glow across his face, giving her the perfect view of his brown orbs. 

"That's not true, Stiles," She spoke softly. "I'm willing to give us a try if you are." 

"This is crazy, you know?" He mumbled, a soft laugh escaping both of their lips as he did so. "But besides, how can I trust you? How would I know that you aren't going to just... turn me into the police, or something." 

"Let me prove it to you," She answered, pulling herself up from the bed so she was in a sitting position again. "Come here." 

She beckoned him over to her with the wave of her hand, and he obliged. Pushing himself up and away from his bed, he shuffled over to her and knelt in front of her. Slowly, so Stiles could move away at any time he wanted to, she began to raise one of her hands to his face. 

Her eyes locked with his as her hand rested itself gently on the side of his face. Before either had the time to take another breath, they were both leaning in. Her lips slotted with his as her heart began to race, eyes slipping shut as one of his hands moved to grip onto her hip. 

They were soon pulling away from each other, hands leaving the others body but they still remained close. It fell silent as they watched each other, though Stiles was soon to speak up. 

"Promise me you'll come back." He whispered, and she couldn't help but smile lightly. 

"I promise." 

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