Goodbye Forever? Part Seven

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A/n: this very long chapter (longer than usual) concludes my mini story. There are more mini stories to come! (Btw sorry this is boring and all my other stories. I'm sucking right now lol)
-be warned there is sex in this one, so if you don't like, then don't read, but if you're a MJ perv then go right ahead.

I'm waiting in the Miami airport for my plane to Mexico. I was so heartbroken and I know I told myself I wasn't going to let him get to me, but deep down I love him.

I was so exhausted because I had been traveling for 3 hours and I have another hour flight; but I really want to get to paradise.

I sit down in a seat and wait for the plane to get ready to board, when all of sudden I see a mysterious man come near me and sit, and for some reason I feel him looking at me. He has no luggage what's so ever, only a ticket and a passport.

The man taps me on the shoulder and speaks in a deep voice, "where are you headin'?"

I pause for a moment. "Mexico." I say, quick and short.

I can't lie, anyway, he can clearly see I'm by the gate going to Mexico.

The mans voice changes to a more recognizable one, "Y/n, please, you're making me wear this ridiculous outfit" at that moment, I knew it was Michael in a disguise.

"God damn it, Michael, what the hell are you doing here?" I say, annoyed he had to follow me.

I got out of my seat and started to stand, and wait.

"Leave me alone and how are you even here right now? Don't you have a tour to attend? I say, throwing sass at him, so he could see I'm upset.

Clearly he doesn't know one thing about a women and didn't get the hint.

He gets up and moves closer, "please, just talk to me, in private."

He takes hold of my hand and leads me to a desolated area of the airport. "Michael, seriously, I'm going to miss my flight." I say, tapping my foot, anxiously.

"It will only take a minute.... Let me come with you, I'm willing to drop everything for you because I want you, I need you back with me. It's tearing me apart, I can't even continue with the tour." He says.

"If I say no, you won't leave anyway, so I guess." I say, as I walk back to the gate. I wanted him and I loved him, but I didn't want to make it obvious, yet.


Michael is quiet majority of the plane ride. He gave me the window seat, and he just quietly sat beside me.

I decided to fall asleep, since it was so late and I was exhausted.

I was awaken by the women on the overhead saying that we're going to be landing soon, but the more annoying thing was I woke up, and I was laying on Michaels lap.

I slowly sit up and reposition myself, and pack up my things in my small backpack.

"You do know you have no luggage or clothes." I say, breaking the silence.

"I didn't really think it through, I didn't think you would say yes." He said, letting out a soft chuckle, and flaunting his beautiful smile. I couldn't stop staring.

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