Lucy squeezed her hands together and laughed off the awkwardness in the air, "Ha, well I'm Lucy, and this is Gray." She pointed at the male, "We are travelling to a near-by town  that needs our help."

          "And what about you guys?" Gray asked as he analyzed the intricate patterns that the lance possessed, duly noting the inscriptions near the tip.

          Arturia landed a hand on Diarmuid's spear and nodded at him; a simple gesture that he understood as the fact the she did not feel afraid. "We are also travelling to a town..." she  mumbled.

          Gray crossed his arms seeing as how Diarmuid had lowered his spear.

          "My name is Guinevere and this is my knight, Diarmuid."

          "Guinevere! Pleasure to meet you." Lucy chimed, a bright smile on her lips as she extended her hand.

          Arturia nodded at her and shook her hand, "You said you were tired and needed a place to rest, no?"

          "Yes, if that's okay."

          "You are welcomed to spend the night with Diarmuid, Gilgamesh and I ; this is the only clearing that we've seen for a long while." She offered.

          "There's another?" Gray caught on to the second name, "Where is he?"

          "Gilgamesh is gathering firewood, he should be back any second," Diarmuid replied, he was not very fond of the two people but he figured he would respect  his master's wishes.

          As if on cue, from the woods emerged a tall figure, "Well, I was only able to find one clean looking stick because  the rest were too filthy for the likes of a prince," the cocky voice  declared, "Who are these people?" His crimson red gaze finally settled  upon the new members.

          "One stick? Seriously?" Diarmuid could not help but scoff.

          "Pardon!" Gilgamesh called, "Princes do not regularly go looking for firewood; that is the servant's job."

          "Then why did you believe it a bright idea to offer? Never you mind, I will get the firewood," Arturia stood with a yawn, "since someone is being unco-operative."

          Diarmuid stood up as well and followed her to the edge of the forest as if he  were a lost puppy, "You cannot go alone," he mumbled as she was ready to  enter the deep darkness.

          "Wait with the others, I will return." She looked back at him with a reassuring smile, "Plus, I have your lance."

          Her smile dropped as she turned her head back to the forest. The complete  and utter darkness that lay a couple of feet in front of her was  menacing, but she had faith in herself to be able to ward off any evil beings. She did not know what the darkness held but she hoped  it was something that she could fight.


          "Diarmuid, I am only getting firewood." She interrupted him as she entered the depths of the forest.

          "Milady!" He called out.

          She snapped her head towards him, the worry was evident on his facial features but she did not feel for him, "Diarmuid, listen to your master and wait." Her tone was strict and she had her eyes a little squinted  into slits so that he would obey her.

          He nodded hesitantly, "Yes, milady," he mumbled as he pivoted on his heel and proceeded to leave.

         Arturia continued into the forest, the yellow lance held tightly in her right  hand while she kept an eye on her surroundings. Her green eyes adjusted after a short while and she searched for sticks and twigs that looked worthy of serving as firewood. Her arms were beginning to get tired and she thought about the last time  she had held wood in her hands.

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