Fire In The Streets ~ Chapter 16

Start from the beginning

  Riku smirked. "Isn't 'comrade' a more suitable word than friend?"

  "Is it my fault that they didn't say where they were going?" I said defensively, ignoring the blindfolded male next to me.

  "Perhaps you would've head more if you didn't sleep in and miss half their conversation," Riku suggested 'helpfully'.

  "Shut your mouth, dickhead."

  "Takes one to know one."

  "What is this, 3rd Grade?"

  "Perfect for your IQ level."

  "You fucking -"

  Accustomed to our banter, DiZ merely waved a hand at us in dismissal.  "Both of you, leave.  Immediately."

  "Hmph." I strode out of the room, intentionally bumping into Riku's shoulder on the way.  He let out a sigh of irritation as he followed me out.  "Problem, comrade?" I asked scornfully.

  "Just thinking, maybe we could become friends in time.  But I guess that's too much to ask of you."

  I stretched out my arm and summoned two Corridors of Darkness: one for Blindy McBlindson to The World That Never Was, and one for myself to Raxmi's house.  It was about time her dear father learned something about his precious daughter.  "We get along just fine.  In fact, I'd go as far as to say you're like a really annoying brother."

  Sensing the darkness from the Corridor I'd made for him, he nodded his thanks.  "But does that mean we've upgraded to friendship, then?" he suggested, smiling cockily.

  Letting out a condescending laugh, I clapped him on his cloaked shoulder.  "Oh, Riku.  I could never be friends with someone who's so scared of the darkness."

Raxmi's P.O.V.

  "Now just keep your arm steady, and gently flick your wrist."

  "Like this?"

  "No, that's not – fuck!"

  I cringed as Axel and Demyx flung themselves out of the way.  What was supposed to be a fireball blasting flawlessly from my palm ended up being an uncontrollable, spluttering flare.  Quick to recover, Demyx bounced up and doused the remaining fire with water droplets that were larger than my body. 

  An awkward silence filled the air as we processed what had just happened.  Hesitantly brushing the sand off his cloak, Demyx flashed me a sheepish grin.  "Heh...maybe a little less strongly than that?" he suggested.

  "A little?  That's a damn understatement," Axel scoffed.  Then he saw the hurt look on my face and smiled apologetically.  "Aw, c'mon, Raxmi.  You gotta admit that one was way too strong."

  "Yeah, yeah, I know," I mumbled sadly, flexing my wrist.  "And all the ones before that were too weak..."

  I had visited my mother every day for the past two weeks, practicing Keyblade crafting and learning more information from her about Keyblades, my ancestry, the Keyblade War.  Slowly but surely, I had managed to memorize the mass of information that I needed to know about the different Keyblades, detailed in ancient documents that she'd hidden in the house.  Having planned for him and Demyx to finish their mission later in the day, Axel had requested that I be excused from her 'classes' today in order to work more on combat magic, although I assume he used that as an excuse to spend time with me, too.  We were now in a sprawling, expansive desert called Agrabah.  Demyx had been dragged along in order to have someone more capable of using water to extinguish haywire magic.  The two of them had left The World That Never Was extremely early in the morning, so as to avoid confrontation with the other members.

{DISCONTINUED} Fire In The Streets ~ Axel x Reader (Kingdom Hearts)Where stories live. Discover now