5- Detention

497 21 13

Maria's P.O.V

"You all seem exhausted," Our homeroom teacher says. "Did you have another party last night?"

"Yeah." Everyone answers in lazy voices.

"IT WAS EPIC, DUDE!" Alfred shouts.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jones, but you're going to detention. It's in the rules that partying on a night with classes the next morning, is strictly prohibited. You should have done this on a Friday night or Saturday night." She says.

"Ha, I told that idiot so." Arthur mumbles.

"B-but... teach--!"

"No 'buts', Mr. Jones. No recess for you."


"Swearing in front of the teacher is prohibited too. That's a double detention for you."



"No way in bloody hell!" Arthur replies, annoyed, and tries to get Alfred away from him.

I sigh, "Well, it seems like I should be the hero at this time."

I stand up and raise my hand, "Teacher!"

"Yes, Ms. Cruz?"

"F**k you."

The whole class was silent for a while, and they stare at me, with seriously shocked expressions. Their mouths are wide open and some of them dropped what they were holding, like their phones or pencils.

"A-aah..." Even the teacher was shocked. "T-that's it, Ms. Cruz! You're going with Alfred to detention! Except that yours will be longer than his!"


"Well... seems like we're both in detention." He says. "Alone."

"Yeah." I reply, staring blankly at my hand while it fidgets with an eraser.

"...Did you do that just so I won't be alone?" He smiles. I'm not looking at him, but I know he's smiling.

"Yeah." I say the same word again. "You would always save me when I'm in trouble or whatever, though I didn't need your help. But eh, I just felt like I should repay you."

"Hahah, you still remember? Thought you forgot all those memories with me."

I raise an eyebrow at him, "Do you seriously think I'm the type of person who forgets things easily? I still remember a lot of things, even though I didn't want to."

We both remain silent, not knowing what to say to each other. We just watch the clock ticking, waiting for detention to finish.


The school secretary opens the door, "Alfred Jones, you're free to go."

"Alright!" He pumps his fist up in the air and dashes out of the detention room. He seemed so excited to leave detention, that he didn't even look at me. He must've wanted to leave me alone, but it's alright, I don't care.

I hear the door shut, and now I'm alone in the room, with nothing but chairs, desks, a pencil, an eraser, the blackboard, the clock, and the dull, grey colored walls and floor of this room.


"Guess I'll have to wait two more hours.... damn, I never expected I would be in detention two hours later than Alfred's detention time." I say to myself.

I stare at the clock, for that's the only thing I can see that's moving.












All of a sudden, I hear the door slam open. Standing there is a certain American with blonde hair and glasses, and was here minutes ago. "Hero to the rescue!"

"A-Alfred?!" I stand up, surprised. "What are you doing here?!"

"To come and get you out of detention, of course! You're coming with me!" He grabs my hand and drags me along with him out of the room.

"W-wait! I can't just escape from detention!"

"Well, I can't leave you alone there in that boring old dull room! We need to hurry before any staff sees us!"

"Gah... alright, whatever."


We finally reach somewhere far away from the school, panting and sweating from all the running. I look up and see that it's still bright, but nearly sunset.

After a while of panting, I wipe off all the sweat with my hand. "Second day of school and we're already in big trouble... well, thank you for breaking me out of detention anyway. Now I'll be going ho--"

"Home? No, not yet! You're coming with me!" He grabs my hand, grinning.


"Come on, just for a while... all I ever do every night is go on social medias looking at other people's posts, and I'm getting bored of it. My siblings are busy with their own things, I always have no idea where Matthew is, Arthur thinks everything I do is childish, and my friends don't like what I do either. So please~?"


Hetalia AU: Life as Humans (OC! Philippines as Main Character)Where stories live. Discover now