3- AlDub!

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Maria's P.O.V

There's one problem about being a senior: You are dismissed two hours later than the rest.

I arrive home and I drop my bagpack by the door. It's the usual; Joseph is stalking Alfred's Facebook timeline, Vanessa is stalking Antonio's Instagram pics, and Hadji is watching GMA on the TV.

"Oh great, here comes EAT BULAGA." He rolls his eyes and was about to change the channel, until I snatched the remote from him.


"What's so special about AlDub anyway? They're just some kind of lame love team."

"Excuse me, little brother Hadji, but they're not 'some kind of LAME love team'. They're better than JaDine, KathNiel, and LizQuen! Don't get me wrong. I love all those love teams, but AlDub is just... different, you know?"

Joseph is looking at the TV, then his phone, then the TV, then his phone, and so on and so on, deciding whether he should continue stalking Alfred's posts on Facebook or watch kaleserye.

"Eh," he shrugs and puts away his phone. "I can just stalk Kuya Alfred's posts on FB anytime anyway. Hey, Vanessa! Eat Bulaga is on."

"Yeah, yeah, okay. Whatever. Can't you see that I'm busy here?" Vanessa says, looking irritated. She's nosebleeding and her eyes are sparkling while watching her phone. "He's soooo hooootttttt--"

I grab her phone away from her. "You should seriously stop watching Antonio's pics, you're nosebleeding too much alrea-... oh my gosh."

Now my nose is bleeding too.

Hadji sighs, "I'm going back to my room upstairs, away from my weird siblings...."


Hadji's P.O.V

Sometimes I just don't understand why I'm even related to them. I'm different. While they're all Catholic, I'm Muslim. How can that happen, you ask? Eh... well, our dad is actually Muslim, but Joseph and Vanessa chose to be Catholics instead. I, on the other hand, am practicing Islam.

While they're all crazy, I'm not. While they all have obsessions, I don't. While they have LOTS of friends, I don't, because I'm sorta anti-social. But I like being different. And though those three are different from me, I still love them no matter what. I just never show it, because everyone knows I'm a tsundere.

I open my laptop and log into Facebook. Unlike my siblings who have over 5,000+ friends, I only have about 300. I do get more than 1,000+ friend requests, but I ignored them all. I only accept those whom I know.

Ate Maria has already more than a thousand likes on her new profile picture. I'm not surprised, because she's Miss Popular. Kuya Joseph the bayot and Ate Vanessa are popular too. I didn't wanna be popular, but because of those three, I am a little bit.


Maria's P.O.V

While watching kalyeserye, I get a text message on my phone. But I don't pick it up. Can't they see that I'm busy?

Oh, good! It's on advertisement.

I pick my phone to look at the text message. It's from Alfred.

I slide the button, enter the pascode, and read the text message. It says: 'Hey babe! My parents aren't home so we're having a party here at my house, all seniors r invited so u should come too! Sorry but your siblings can't come. Everyone's waiting 4 u btw

xoxo Al'

I drop my phone. "Oh gosh, I need to get ready!"

"What? You're going on a party?" Vanessa puts her phone down on the table. "Kuyog ko beh!"

"Sorry Vanessa, but you can't come." I show her Alfred's text. "Seniors only! We're having a first-day-as-high-school-seniors celebration. You're still a sophomore."

"Well, that sucks." She frowns. "Have fun, anyways."

I go up to my room to get ready. I take off this plain T-shirt of mine, then I put on a cut out shoulder white blouse and black ankle boots. I don't have to change my bottoms, because I'm already wearing denim shorts. I tie my hair up in a ponytail, put on some makeup, and of course, take a selfie in front of the mirror before I go.


"Hey! Maria! You came!" Mei, a Taiwanese, and is one of my close friends, comes walking towards me, holding two glasses of wine. She isn't walking straight and she keeps laughing. She must be drunk. "Hahahah! Party is great, isn't it? Want a drink?? Hahahah!"

"Uh, sure." I smile and take the glass. I'm only taking one glass anyway, and plus, this won't harm or anything. So why not?

This tastes... delicious!

After I finish the drink, I go and pour more alcohol to my glass.

Until it's already my 8th drink.

"Hey, cutie," Someone calls out to me and I turn around.

I giggle, "Me?" <ALREADY DRUNK>

"Of course, who else is would be cuter than you?" He winks at me, and I laugh.

"Ahahah! Thank you~"

"Why don't we... go upstairs..." He slowly grabs my hand.



Question of the Chapter: Who do you think is the guy?? ;)

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