11- Nyotalia

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Emilio's P.O.V.

"I'm back kuyaaa~!" Josefa opens the door and steps in with a lot of shopping bags. She always goes shopping; it's her hobby. She's a little bit tomboy-ish but she can be also really girly at times. 

"Please don't tell me you bought more pink tutu skirts for me AGAIN..." Hadia sighs, burying her face in her hands. "Ate Josefa, I'm not a f*cking five year old. I'm fifteen for hell's sakes."

"Fifteen and still adorable," Viktor squeezes his little sister's cheeks with one hand, much to her annoyance. She slaps his hand away, along with his face, leaving him to chuckle.

"Oh of course not, Dia! Pink tutu skirts are ew," Josefa stuck her tongue out in disgust. She takes out a blue strapless dress that I would say looks cute if I was a girl. Josefa knows that blue is Hadia's favorite color.

"The color? Love it. The fact that the dress looks girly? No." Hadia turns her thumbs up into a thumbs down.

Josefa frowns, "Just wear this when it comes to formal occasions. I bought stilettos for you too, by the way." She throws a pair of matching blue stilettos at Hadia who yelled out in pain after one of them hit her on the shoulder. Viktor tried to comfort her but she pushed him away, still annoyed.

"S-sorry..." Josefa bites her lower lip and adjusts her glasses. "I-I'll just go up to my room..." She takes her shopping bags with her and quickly walks up the stairs while laughing nervously.

I sigh and shake my head in disappointment. 

I continue changing the channel on the TV. There's nothing good to watch other than...


"AWWW YEEAAHH!!" Both me and Viktor stand on the couch, high-fiving and pumping our fists into the air.

"Basketball nasad, kuya? Basketball nasad? (Translation: Basketball again, big brother? Basketball again?)" Hadia rolls her eyes and grabs the remote. "Kabaw na baya ka na dili ko ganahan ana! (Translation: You already know that I don't like that!)" 

"HADIA!! BAAKKKEEEETTTTTTT!!!" We cry in a whiny way and with fake tears, of course.

"I'll just go up to my room..." Hadia mumbles, throwing the remote at my face. That hurt, but at least Viktor and I get to watch basketball!

Pinoy ako, pinoy tayo~

Well sh!t, that's my ringtone.

I grab my phone and it turns out I got a call from my girlfriend, Lovina. Oh shit, I can't miss any of her calls. She will kill me and probably think that I'm cheating on her.

I take the call, "What's up, babe? How's Washington?"

"It's fine I guess. Hey, I found a girl who looks exactly like a female version of you."

"Haha let me guess... is she dating your male version? Lovino, right?"

"Not sure. I mean they're together right now, but it seems she... somehow, hates him."

"Bruh, I'd go to Washington right now just to meet her."

"I bet she'd like to meet you too. But no falling in love, alright? I already know how much you love yourself. You are freaking obsessed."

I chuckle, "I might, but I won't. She might be incredibly cute, but my girlfriend will always be the cutest in my eyes."

"W-whatever, mango bastard. Well, I have to go now. Ciao."


And we hang up. Viktor is already looking straight at me once I face him.

"...Go get a girlfriend."

"I would, if Isabella wasn't two years older than me." He says. 

"Yeah, yeah. I know how much you have a crush on her. Just get your eyes on the damn TV."

Hetalia AU: Life as Humans (OC! Philippines as Main Character)Where stories live. Discover now