I miss "us" so badly. I've lost count of how many times I've kicked myself for breaking our engagement. But I know I did the right thing for him. He always beat himself up because he felt he failed Harper when Renee and he divorced. Now, he has the chance to give her the family life he always wanted her to have. So even though it killed me to end it, I take comfort in knowing he's getting what he wants, an opportunity to give Harper a traditional family life.

"Here you go." He says as he passes me a glass of white wine. "I say we deserve this after the battle we just fought."

I laugh. "She certainly can be stubborn and definitely more so when she doesn't feel well, that's for sure."

"I second that." He says as he raises his glass and taps it against mine. "Thank you again for all your help. This time it's a lot harder. Harper's much more obstinate, don't you think?"

"Yeah she is. It's probably because she REALLY doesn't feel well."

"You don't agree with the doctor do you? You think it's more than the Flu."

"No, I don't agree with her. What do you and Renee suspect it could be?"

"Ah, uhm we really haven't talked about what it could be besides the Flu. I know it being anything else terrifies me."

"We all need to prepare ourselves, for something worse."

"Such as?"

"At first I was really afraid she might have bacterial meningitis, the really dangerous kind, because we can't touch her head without it hurting. But thank the Lord, she didn't developed the severe neck stiffness and vomiting associated with that type. I'm still wondering if maybe she has viral meningitis, but at least that isn't as bad."

"How do you know all this stuff?"

"I learned a lot at college and the rest I have been searching for on the internet."

"Sounds like I owe you some overtime pay." He smirks.

"You don't owe me a thing! I love Harper. I just want her to start feeling better soon, especially since I'll be.." I stop as soon as I realize what I was about to say. 

"Since you'll be, what?"

"Let's sit down for a minute, okay?" I suggest as I walk over and take a seat on the couch. Hunter follows and sits right next to me.

"What's going on Lid? I know you and I know something's up."

"Remember the call, I had to take in the car."


"Well, I needed to answer it because it was from Mr. Green my future..."

"No! Please don't tell me you accepted another job!"

I hang my head. Telling him is proving to be much harder than I thought it would be. It's probably because since I interviewed, I've starting spending time with Hunter, again. Now, I don't want to take the offer. "I haven't given him my answer yet."

"How come?"

"Mainly because I haven't had the time to read over the contract."

"Is that the only reason?" I try to avert his stare but he won't let me. "Come on be honest?"

"No it's not?" I whisper.

"Is Harper being ill making it difficult to accept the new job offer."

"Yes." I say as I shake my head.

"Is there any other reasons?" He demands.

"Maybe. Why do you care what my reasons are for taking or not taking the job?"

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