to: CATson

~7:19 pm~

nah just loud

"Carson, put your phone down and pay attention to your family," Michael said loudly. They had all been trying to get his attention for the past few minutes at the dinner table but he was too distracted with texting Ivy.

They all knew he was texting Ivy.

"Oh, are you texting Ivy?" Stevie, his youngest sister asked, a smirk gracing her lips as she pushed a piece of her dark brown hair behind her ear.

"Of course he is, who else would he be texting?" his other sister, his oldest sister, Bella said.

"I could be texting Jett. I could be texting Mack. Heck, I could even be texting Alexa or Charlie!" Carson exclaimed, his whole family rolled his eyes.

Carson rarely talked to Alexa or Charlie and if he were texting Jett or Mack, he'd wait to respond after the family meal. He had a special spot for Ivy. Everyone knew it.

"Yeah, and I'm pregnant with my fifth child. Quiet down and eat your spaghetti," Sophie shushed her only son, making his sisters burst into giggles.

Carson sometimes hated being the only boy and the third child. He wished he had been the oldest at least. He loved his sisters though. He was closest to Bella. She was always the one he went to with girl issues, mainly about Ivy, and about everything that was going on his life. She was only two years older but she was so wise and Carson enjoyed that about her.

"Please tell me your fifth child is another boy," Carson pleaded and Sophie rolled her eyes, hitting the back of her sons head softly and told him not to be so rude.

"Anyways, back to what I was talking about before, I have big news," Stevie said, bringing the attention back to her. She had been mentioning something before they brought Carson out of his conversation with Ivy.

"What is it?" Emma asked, she was the quieter one of his sisters. Carson wasn't as close with her but Bella was. The twins were practically inseparable and Carson always heard them laughing together late at night. Emma was the more nerdy one of his siblings, she didn't mind though. She loved video games and science shows. She was going to college nearby and was studying to become a computer programmer and overall Carson was really proud of her.

Carson still loved his sisters though. He was so glad to have such a huge family and he was convinced that his sisters were the reason for his success with the lady's. Very little success to be exact. He still deeply liked Ivy.

"I got asked out and I'm going on a date tomorrow," Stevie exclaimed.

"No way. No fucking way. You just barely turned fifteen last month. No way," Carson said. Sophie scolded her son for saying a bad word but internally she was agreeing.

"Carson, let me handle this. I'm the dad here," Michael said. He turned away from his son and faced his youngest daughter.

"Who's the lucky girl?" Michael asked, wiggling his eyebrows making his daughter giggle.

"Her name's Jess. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and we've been talking to each other for a really long time. She finally asked me out today during lunch and I said yes. I'm so excited."

Connected (Internet Friends Sequel) || Michael Clifford ✓Where stories live. Discover now