Chapter 17

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That Friday I went with Jackie and Zach to their appointment in Mapleville. I brought Bailey along to fill out the paper work and see if the doctor has any time to squeeze her in for her four month check up. Seth and I sat with Bailey in the waiting room while Jackie and Zach went in, and expectant mothers eyed Bailey like a hawk. She was grinning and holding onto her favourite toy, a rattle that had one end of it gummy for when she started to teeth and the other side was soft and plush. Lately she had been starting to roll over and even doing little "push ups", as Seth called them. Their stares made me uncomfortable most of the time until Seth wrapped his arm around me and kissed my head, reminding me that I wasn't doing this alone anymore. Jackie came out holding Zach's hand, and she smiled,

"The doctor is waiting for you." I smiled and walked in holding Bailey, Seth following me closer behind. The doctor grinned,

"Oh hello sweetheart!" She said, and then she smiled at me,

"Hi, I'm Doctor Jana Ferris. You must be Jackie's sister, Charlie."

I smiled and nodded, "That's me. This is my daughter Bailey and boyfriend Seth."

"She's a very adorable baby. How old is she?"

"She's coming up on four months. I just finished the paper work, Jackie and Zach speak very highly of you."

"Well, if you have time I could squeeze you in now?" She asked and I nodded,

"I was hoping you would have time."

"Jackie mentioned it when she made her appointment last week, as I understand it's a bit of a drive for you guys."

"Almost two and a half hours, longer if you count traffic." She smiled,

"Alright if you'll just lay Bailey on the bed and undress her we can get started." I nodded and started undressing her and Seth looked at Doctor Ferris,

"Why does she need to be fully undressed?"

"When she comes in every couple of months for her check up what we do is we measure her weight and her length so we can compare it to other babies around the same age so we can make sure she's growing right." He nodded and stood beside me with his arm around my waist.

"We'll also need to give her two shots today, and she'll need to take a vaccination but that one is orally." I nodded and she started checking Bailey's chest with her stethoscope. Bailey gasped and her mouth formed an "O" when it touched her chest and I laughed quietly.

Doctor Ferris continued with examining Bailey and did so in a way that made Bailey feel calm, even making her giggle at times.

"How is she sleeping?"

"She has about three naps during the day and is starting to sleep for seven hours straight at night."

"Okay perfect."

"She's been doing these mini push ups and she's starting to roll to her left side," I said, reaching so Bailey was able to hold my finger.

"She's progressing well. I see her facial features are reacting well with you both. How is she hearing? And is there anything that seems weird when she's looking around?"

I shook my head, "No, we haven't noticed any issues with her."

"Perfect." She asked a few more questions before letting me dress her again.

"Also, for the gender reveal party, Jackie and Zach are having a boy."

I grinned and Seth chuckled and picked Bailey up, and she squealed,

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