Chapter 33

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-+-+ the next two chapters are really short because they got deleted and I just don't remember what I rote so don't hate me.+-+-

2 hours
120 minutes
700 seconds

In two hours I would be starting the fight if my life. In 120 minutes I would be fighting for a title I so desperately crave.
In 700 seconds I would be at the black cat saying black tycoon and then fight for another 5 hours.

We aren't leaving until 10:30 and even after that we wouldn't be fighting for another half hour. There was 24 fighters in the league tonight with 5 fights per fighter.

How that works I'm not sure. Currently I was pacing the floor behind the couch waiting for something, anything. As I walked back and forth for the millionth time I heard Kyle sigh. He was sitting on a couch as Tyler and Dan sat across from him.

For the last twenty minutes we had been like this. As Kyle got up and came to me he picked me up and threw me into the couch. "Hey!" I yelled as he dropped me down. He sat down next to me bringing me into his arms making me straddle him.

"Now sit here and make out with me. Just like Tyler and Dan are." He told me as he dropped kisses down my neck. I turned my head slightly seeing he was right But the two love birds.

Kyle turned my head back planting a firm kiss to my lips. The kiss wasn't filled with lust or desire but, a sense of love and awe. I felt as he drenched the kiss in something I never thought would ever be shown towards me again.

The fact that this man void even show me he liked me was a miracle in its self.


We had arrived at the black cat saying the word before entering. I could hear the crowd roar as we got closer. My hood was up as was Tyler's and Dan's.

Not bothering to stop to watch Snake beat the crud out if a newcomer I grabbed Kyle's hand and made my way to Wyatt. "Beth baby. What's going on?" He asked over the roar of the crowd.

"Baby?" Kyle asked next to me to which I just shrugged before looking back at Wyatt. "I'm here you've seen me now give me my room." I told him to which he just told me to go to my normal one. I nodded and we headed off that way. He also told me I had 30 minutes until my fight.

The moment I entered my room I heard Marcus screaming. Seems like he does that a lot more lately. "There's 30 minutes left and your just now getting here?" He asked as we walked in. I shrugged my shoulders before hoping onto the small massage table. He stared for a moment before shaking his head and starting to tell me what not to do and what to do like every time I fight.

As it got closer to fight time I was relaxed and ready as Marcus taped my hands with the same green tape from yesterday.

"You ready kid?" I heard Wyatt call from the doorway. Looking that way I noticed the new additions to his attire. He know had a bulky headset and a black clipboard in his hand. As I looked at the almost 6'3 tall man I client help but to laugh at how he looked right this minute.

"Hardy hardy had. Yes I realize I look idiotic but, its the only way I can keep these b@stards in line today." He told me as we walked toward the double doors leading to the main hall. I stopped before going through Wyatt waited patiently as I took a few deep breaths.

I nodded to myself dragging my robe hood up my head before looking to Wyatt he gave me a small smile before opening the doors. Here we go.

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