Chapter 15

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As Beth starts to relax and the tears slow she drifts off still clutching me like her life depended on it and trust me I'm not complaining. As soon as I know she's asleep I try to get away seeing as anyone else would but Tyler stops me. "Don't just let her sleep she needs it. I can't remember the last time she got a decent night of sleep in the last three years." He tells me as Dan hugs him. We were all sitting in there apartment since me and my brother came there after getting drunk at a nightclub. As we heard the screams from her apartment all alcohol had escaped from my system and I had ran over here as fast as I could. I had started to shake her yelling her name as she continued to scream.

I don't know why she wouldn't wake up but, it had been at least ten minutes before she woke up. "Why does she have these?" I whispered to Tyler. Jack had already moved to her couch taking residency there. "Its not my story to tell but, when she was younger something happened to her and some messed up stuff happened I mean you would never think it would happen to anyone."

I looked back down at the girl clinging on to me. As I looked I wrapped my arms around her waist and she snuggled closer to me. "She's never that close to new people." Tyler says looking slightly confused as to why she's being so open and comfortable. Dan whispers something into his boyfriends ear before grabbing Jack and taking him back to their apartment. Tyler watched them before going back to me. "She's usually really closed off but, with you she's different her smile is wider and her eyes are brighter. I don't know why but, since you guys first met yesterday she has more spirit more light in her eyes. Whatever you do just don't leave. Even if you guys stay friends just don't leave." I nod slightly not wanting to wake her up.

I dont know why anyone would leave such a beautiful person but, even if we do stay friends I am so not messing this chance up. She's going to be mine one day I know it.



I woke up feeling better then I have in a while actually I think in the last couple years this was probably my second best night of sleep. Of course the one night with Kyle was the first. Even if I was drunk for it I still slept like a big baby. When I tried to get up I noticed the heavy feeling on my stomach looking down I saw a slightly tanned arm draped over the area. Turning as quietly and easily as possible I looked at Kyle's handsome sleeping face next to me.

He looked relaxed and peaceful laying there in my bed. Holy crud he's in my bed! Not again oh god. I look down dreading what I might see. I was still wearing the shirt from last night and he was wearing jeans and a shirt which looked very uncomfortable. I looked back at his face seeing his bright blue eyes looking back at me. "Are you looking for something specific down there?" He asks with a small smirk and a twinkle of amusement in his voice. His arms still tightly wrapped around my waist.

"Yeah I was. Just seeing if my clothes were still on you know hoping that I hadn't wasted 10 seconds of my life getting dirty with you." I tell him and smirk at the end seeing his frown. Its oddly funny seeing him so unhappy. "Now could you remove your hands? Or do I need to help you?" I ask him and he releases me without a fight. Once he does I get up and stretch my back muscles making a weird noise as I do. "If you keep doing that I don't think I'm going to let you leave this bed ever again." Kyle speaks and his mouth is right next to me planting small kisses next to my ear.

Oddly enough this is one of the best things I've felt in my life and it all comes from one man I met more than 24 hours ago. I quickly pull away from him going into the kitchen area and starting to make coffee when he stops me. "Don't. Remember your coming with me to get breakfast." I groan remembering his horrible text last night before I went to bed. That's probably why I had nightmares. I snicker at the thought and he looks slightly confused before shrugging it off. I head for my rack of clothes and I say rack because when I first got the place it didn't have a wardrobe so I had buy a clothes rack from a clothes store in the mall one day. Imagine a 5'2 tall girl coming out of a JCpenny with a clothes rack and you can imagine the stares I got that day.

I quickly change into a pair of black skinny jeans and a bright purple tank top. I come out of the bathroom seeing Kyle looking at the view outside the bay windows on the wall by my bed. "Are you done gawking yet?" I speak slightly startling him. He turns around smiling before nodding. "Yep now let's go I hear there's a small cafe near here. So let's get moving!" I laugh at him he seems like the kind of guy who can act like a three year old but, then in a second he's a angry 21 year old man.

We head down the stairs and turn right heading to the little cafe on the corner. This was probably the first place I ever had coffee. Its not the greatest but, the place is comfy and homey it just feels right even if the coffee sucks its OK. The coffee may suck but, their smoothies are delicious and low carbs. As soon as we order and get seated we start talking for some reason we just talk and no matter how much stuff we talk about theirs always more.

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