Chapter 18

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I knew these guys were from the club and didn't like that I was girl fighting and winning against the guys they betted on. The now 8 guys circled around me in the semi-large alley. This has probably happened maybe four times since I started and each time I kicked their buns but, today they stepped up there game and got more guys than ever. Usually its maybe three possibly four. Obviously someone doesn't like me.

"Alright now what do you want this time? Hmm maybe you just want me to beat you like I did the other idiots who tried to do the same thing you are. Yeah is that it?" I asked already I knew I wouldn't win but, I can sure as hell try. The guys chuckled before a blond with green eyes took a small step forward. I turned my attention to him but, still kept some in my vision. "Oh no little lady were going to succeed in making sure you don't take anymore of our money." He chuckled and the others join in. I laugh slightly at his terrible humor.

"Your ganna have to try your hardest because I'm not backing down without a fight." I told them bringing my hands up to cover my face. "Oh that'd what I was hoping for." He had a malicious glint in his eye suggesting he may not be mentally stable. Suddenly and too fast for me to move two from behind me grabbed my arms and threw me to the floor. Both of them sat kneeling on my arms keeping them down.

"Ugh what are you made of fatty?" I asked the one on my right already I felt the adrenaline come pushing the fear away. He chuckled before his hand came down. Smack. And after that first hit they came like vultures. At first I kicked them away but, after several kicks to my stomach and head I was helpless and sat there with no energy as my body ached and burned. That wasn't even the beginning. When they finally stopped and the two on my arms moved away I turned and spit blood out knowing that some ribs were cracked.

As I turned back over I saw them still there all grinning like fools. Then I noticed the lust and desire in their eyes the loosening of belts as they took them off I scrambled up holding my stomach as I tried to scream but, realized I couldn't even make a noise. They let me go for a few steps before I fell again. This time not even bothering to get up. I had nothing left there was no energy left there was nothing but, a shell.

"Come on boys I know we've been waiting but, she won't fight much." One man with brown hair and blue eyes the bluest of eyes dragged me back to the middle of the circle. He had a faint scar on the right side of his face. He grabbed my pants and tore them off as well as the rest of my clothes. He stepped back and then the leader came. The first guy with the blonde hair. As he took off his pants I tried to speak only coming with a whisper. "What?" He leaned down his ear close to my lips. "W-what i-i-is n-name?" I asked my voice so weak and barely a whisper but, he heard and leaned back. "Hmm. Well you will probably die sometime soon so I think we can do that. Named gents." He commanded as he stripped his bottom half waiting on the other men to speak.
"Harry Baxter." A brown head with almost black eyes.
"Carl Jones." Crooked yellow teeth. Brown hair. Green eyes.
"Kevin Thomas." Perfect face and body. Black hair. Brown eyes.
"James Stevens." Black hair. Blue eyes. Scar on the left temple.
"Randy Davids." Scar face. Brown hair sea blue eyes.
"Daniel Martin." Brown hair. Gray eyes.
"Chris Martin." Brothers. Same nose same hair. Twins.
The last guy that was now hovering over me Gave me a evil smirk. "I want you to yell my name as I pound into you. Clyde Monroe." I froze at the last name and instantly rage for kyle and Jake flared by just possibly being related to him. I scream as he roughly pushed in. But, with the sudden rush of adrenaline I pushed him off me and hurried to my feet holding my stomach. I ran as fast as I could towards the gym. Barely missing a car I made it to the doors before running in and finding Marco. The last thing I remembered before passing out was him catching me ad I fell and then the soft calls of my name as the black spots took over my vision.

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