Chapter 31

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After several more hours of questions about my father and the abuse and every single thing I ever knew about him me and Kyle finally left. I was glad the they had let Kyle stay with me and I was glad they let us stay huddled on the floor but, I wasn't glad when I found my door on the floor and my puppy on the balcony.

"Stupid narcissistic idiotas." I yelled as I grabbed Willy fro the cold whimpering and whining. "I know baby boy but, were going to get the door fixed in no time dot worry." I let Kyle call someone and have them fixed the door since I really didn't want the landlord finding out.

"That was hard work." He said once he sat down next to me on the couch. "You stood there and told the guy what was wrong and then talked with him while he was doing it how is that hard work?" I asked incredulously liking at his serious face as I let Willy go. He turned to me on the couch. "Well I had to stand there and talk to him. Key word is stand you were sitting I was standing there is a lot of energy that goes into standing." He told me with a serious face emphasizing words.

I shook my head facing the TV again. He did the same putting his arm around my shoulder and bringing me into his chest. "God you smell good." I laughed at his statement looking up and pecking his lips. "Why thank you sir I showered." I told him with a fake accent.

"You know we could do a lot more in here. I bet you I could use every single surface here in less than 2 hours." I giggled as he dropped kisses on my neck. For some reason flirty Kyle was my favorite Kyle. "Hmm. I don't know 2 hours is a little short for every surface." I felt his chest move as he chuckled. "Is that a challenge?" He asked me now facing me towards him on the couch. "Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't. I'm not sure I have 2 hours to spare."

He raised his eyebrow questioningly "What you got a hot date tonight?" He asked sarcastically as I nodded.

"Yeah. He says its going to run for like 2 hours and all were going to do is chill or something like that. I'm not really sure." As I looked up to his face I could see anger on it showing as clearly as the tiny scar on his temple. "Who is he?"

"Ugh you are so stupid. Its you-" Before I could finish he quickly pressed his lips to one silencing me. I quietly moaned as his tongue slipped inside my own mouth wrestling with mine.

Knock. Knock.

"Ignore it." I quietly said to which Kyle agreed getting above me. A few more instant knocks came but, we didn't exactly care even as the door opened and in stepped Dan and Tyler.

"Oh god that's so gross! Is that how we look?!" I heard him ask before Kyle pulled away smirking at the blush spreading across my face. Somehow his hands had ended up in my shirt and his own shirt on the floor.

"Seems we'll have to save this for later." He winked getting up and purposefully leaving his shirt off. I groaned and sat,up holding my now aching head.

"What the hell is wrong with you two?" I asked and they looked startled but, shook it off none the less. "Aren't you guys early?"

Tyler shrugged before they both sat down on the other couch. "Not really maybe a few hours early." I groaned once again before looking at my idiotic adoptive brother. He should know what happened, mom and dad should know what happened.

I took a deep breathe before getting interrupted. "I know what happened and so does mom and dad." I sighed in relief as I heard Tyler speak. He had a look of pity And sorrow on his face like the rest of the guys. "I think it was Snake."

I heard an intake of breath as I continued to stare at the floor my head in my hands. "He's back. And we might have fought while I kicked his @ss again. I don't think he really appreciated that and he's a little obsessive so why wouldn't he? I mean he has the reason. I broke up wit him and then I beat him every time we fight and he always knows that I'm right and Im-." I was interrupted by Kyle once again attacking my lips. I hadn't even realized that I had stood up let alone walked over towards him.

As he attacked my lips I heard a groan and then sigh before we pulled apart. "Thank you." I whispered looking into the green orbs of his. So distracting you could get lost In them like getting lost in the jungle.

Tyler cleared his throat again and we both looked at him still in our own little world. "What are we going to do about your dad? Because right now mom and dad wants us to stay with them for a little while."

I shook my head. I don't think I could take being with my adoptive parents for a couple days even missing the fight. Nope.

"No. I'm not staying thee and its not like there's much to worry about. I'm pretty sure I can handle myself plus the fight is two days away and tomorrow I'm going to the gym all day." It seems this was the perfect moment for Willy to jolt up barking for some reason scaring Tyler and Dan. "I swear that dog sleeps more than you and even heavier than you." I laughed at Kyle watching Tyler getting licked to death by Willy.

"When did you get the dog?" He asked passing Willy to Dan. He then began to lick Dan as he laughed and feel back on the couch. "A couple days ago when I got home from the hospital."

Tyler nodded seeming to understand before watching his boyfriend play with my puppy. I wish things could be as simple as this all the time but, where's the fun in that.

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