chapter thirty-three // secrets.

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It feels like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. As I look over to Ellie though, it doesn't seem like she's on the same page as me. She smiles, but it doesn't feel quite right. I think all the commotion in the room is overwhelming her. I can barely hear myself think.

Though to be fair, we did just drop a bomb on everyone. We can't expect them to just calmly accept it.

"How long have you two been together?"

"The fans are going to go insane with this one!"

"Gah, you guys are so cute!"

They continue to get louder and louder. I laugh and try to shush them, but it's no use. When the lads get excited, there's no use in trying to diminish them. 

That is until we hear a loud knock on the door. The door quickly swings open revealing a concerned Dr. Frenette and nurse. 

"Is everything alright? We heard shouting all the way down the hall?" The nurse asks, her eyes lingering on me.

I can feel my face growing hot under pressure. I can't even open my mouth, knowing I'm a shit liar and I'll ruin it all.

"Everything's great. We were just celebrating, actually," Niall smiles with his cheeky grin. 

I bite my lip to keep myself from audibly groaning. The smile that was on everyone's faces falter ever-so-slightly, even Niall's, after realizing that a celebration usually goes along with an explanation.

"Celebrating?" Dr. Frenette raises his eyebrows, looking as confused as ever. 

"Yeah, we..." Niall stammers, realizing he's made a grave mistake.

"We're celebrating Mine and Mia's engagement," Louis speaks up, holding Mia's hand out for all to see and much to my surprise, there was a giant diamond ring resting on Mia's ring finger. 

The shock ripples across the room as they stare at Louis with big eyes and giant smiles. We all try to contain ourselves in front of the doctors, not blowing our cover. 

It's just like Louis to spring something like that on us so suddenly. 

"Aw, congratulations you two," Dr. Frenette smiles warmly, "Sorry to disturb your celebration," He gives an apologetic wave before backing out of the room, the nurse following behind him.

We all sit in silence as we listen to the sound of footsteps disappearing down the hall.

The room erupts in loud shouting instantly, but now it's no longer directed at Ellie and I but at Louis and Mia. 

"You finally did it?!" Niall claps Louis on the back before jumping on him, looking nearly more excited than Louis or Mia do. 

I just smile and watch Louis and Mia exchange a loving smile. Louis always talked about how he was going to marry Mia, but honestly, I never took him seriously. To be honest, I always took Louis as the type that would never settle. I should have known that would change when Mia entered his life. 

"Congrats you two," I nod in agreement, wishing I could go over and give them a big bear hug but settle with a big grin instead.

I couldn't be happier that Mia was permanently joining our little family. She's like a sister to me and I love how happy she makes Lou. 

"I'm just excited for the party that will be the wedding," Niall laughs, causing everyone to join him, knowing that whatever kind of wedding Louis and Mia will throw, it's going to be a night to remember.

A pang of anxiety sits in the pit of my chest as I think of their wedding. Will I still be wheelchair bound? Will I even be out of the hospital? I think of everyone drunk and dancing around the dance floor as I'm watching from the sidelines. 

fix you // liam payneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon