He took a swig of his beer "Wasn't invited. We didn't exactly end on good terms."

"Oh that's sucks."

"Yeah so who are you? The boyfriend?"

I shook my head yes and turned my attention to the DJ.

"Sorry, I don't mean to get all up in your business," he said, "I'm Ty."

I gave him a half smile and shook his hand "Luke."

After awhile Ty got less annoying and was actually cool to hangout with. Well he was good company because I have no idea where Peyton went and all her friends are kinda scattered everywhere doing their own thing.

"Hey buddy, I'm gonna head out for the night," Ty said while standing up and straightening out his coat, "it was nice meeting you."

"Yeah man, you too." We shook hands and he left leaving me at the bar by myself. I probably look like one of those guys who just went through a really bad breakup and is drinking his pain away.

"Hey Lukester!" Peyton's friend said as she hopped up on the stool that Ty was sitting on.

I chuckled and shook my head. "Hey, Quinn right?"

"...Payton..." She said with disappointment in her voice.

"Aw that's right. Sorry, there's just so many of you."

"Whatever I guess I'll let that one slide. Although you should've remembered my name since ya know it is the same as your girlfriends."

"Good point. Don't worry, I'll remember next time."

"So why are you sitting up here all alone?"

"I was sitting with someone but he just left."

"Mm hmm. Sure"

"What? I was!"

"Yeah well you look bored as hell," she said while putting her arm up to get the bartenders attention. "We'll need a couple shots please."

"Payton you don't have to-"

"Don't even try it. P's over there having fun and you need to have some fun!"

I turned my head and spotted Peyton, my lovely girlfriend, grinding with some random guy.

"Are you kidding me?" I said under my breath but Payton heard me and put her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry Luke. You don't deserve that. I didn't even see her grinding with Tyler."

"What? Tyler?" I said while snapping my head back around and looking more closely. Peyton was grinding with Ty.. "That's the guy that was just sitting here with me."

"What? Tyler was?"

"Yeah.. Peyton's ex boyfriend. He was being all buddy buddy with me."

"What a jerk.. I'm sorry Luke.. Peyton wouldn't normally-"

"Save it. I don't even care. It's not even worth getting worked up over."

"But she's your girlfriend grinding on another guy.. How could you not care?"

"Because she's gonna feel like shit tomorrow and regret it and that's enough for me." I said while downing a shot and grabbing another one.

Payton was just starring at me giving me a sad look.

"Are you gonna take a shot or what?"

She smiled and grabbed a shot glass. "For not caring?" She said as she held it up.

"For not caring." I complied.

After maybe an hour or so of drinking with Payton and trying to take my mind off of the other Peyton, I was pretty drunk.

I haven't been this drunk in a while.

"You know what the best thing about drinking is?" I said to Payton.

She laughed. "What?"

"I don't even remember why I was drinking."

She laughed harder and clutched her stomach. "Me either."

We both just started laughing at nothing.

"Hey what's your name again?" I asked after we finally stopped laughing.


"Oh yeah.. I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to forget your name," I said while grabbing her hands. "Let's get out of here Pey. Your friends won't even notice we're gone."

"Okay, yeah. Let me get my purse first!" She said with a wink before nearly falling off the bar stool.

I got my phone out and called a cab to come get us. I'm pretty sure he couldn't understand a word I was saying.

"Ready?" Peyton said as the cab pulled up outside of the club.

"Yeah." I said while grabbing her hand and trying to make it out the door. We were both stumbling everywhere.

"Where to?" The cab driver asked.

"What's your parents address baby?"

"Why would we go to my parents? I have my own apartment." She said before giving the driver the address.

"Why didn't you ever tell me that?"

"I didn't think it was important."

"Well I can't wait to get to your apartment." I said while kissing down her neck.

She cupped my cheeks in her hands and kissed my lips. "Me either."

Hey y'all... I hate myself 😩 I'm so sorry it's been so long! Idk why but this chapter was so hard to write!! I promise I'll try to have a new chapter up soon!!

Anyways prepare yourself for some Luke and Pe(a)yton drama!

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